I don’t know how “discrimination” itself became a Bad Thing. For centuries being discriminating was a mark of applied intelligence; today it is synonymous with unfairness. We discriminate every time we select the shampoo we are going to buy, and discrimination is the point of any job selection process: to identify and select the most suitable candidate from among the applicants.
BTW there is conservative political correctness by our friend in Rattlesnake Hills and Patrick Buchanan. Yes, Robert E. Lee was a traitor who killed 400,000 loyal Union soldiers for profitable human bondage and should have been hung off of Traveller’s back.
Gent about 7 years ago
Just wait till you get that job, pal. Then you’ll know what real discrimination is.
William Pursell about 7 years ago
Aye sure and Much like beauty,discrimination is in the eye of the beholder.
clayusmcret Premium Member about 7 years ago
Yes. Yes it is. Now move along.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 7 years ago
No, otherwise it wouldn’t be an iconic recruitment slogan for our more aggressive branch of the armed forces or the movie of the same name.
flagmichael about 7 years ago
I don’t know how “discrimination” itself became a Bad Thing. For centuries being discriminating was a mark of applied intelligence; today it is synonymous with unfairness. We discriminate every time we select the shampoo we are going to buy, and discrimination is the point of any job selection process: to identify and select the most suitable candidate from among the applicants.
sandpiper about 7 years ago
What? Chicken Rod looking for a few good men. Chair ought to be vacant.
sandpiper about 7 years ago
What’s up with the missing comments and likes icons on the right side of the strips? Gad!! Don’t tell me there another BIG IMPROVEMENT coming!!
d_mock about 7 years ago
“Looking for a few bad men to do bad things.”
cuzinron47 about 7 years ago
It could also be considered sex discrimination.
Great Wizard Nala about 7 years ago
HOOTERS discriminates against men when hiring for waitpersons. THANK GOD!
KennethJohnson about 7 years ago
BTW there is conservative political correctness by our friend in Rattlesnake Hills and Patrick Buchanan. Yes, Robert E. Lee was a traitor who killed 400,000 loyal Union soldiers for profitable human bondage and should have been hung off of Traveller’s back.