The basic thing to understand is that if you have a serious claim, they are likely paying out more than you paid in. If they are a business, it is then in their interest to deny your claim, and in the Old Days claim adjusters would get bonuses based on the value of claims denied. The ACA was in part an effort to put a lid on that and make it more fair. People denigrate gov’t bureaucrats, but if I’m a G-7 I DGAF about profit; my pay doesn’t depend on it; and I can decide the case on the merits. Mostly. Take the profit incentive away, and things should get better. Unless you are an insurance company.
Thank goddess we’ve finished embodying and renovating our vacation home. We are semi retiring and moving in this summer. On Vancouver Island in a civilized country.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Now for the hard part, which one of those is NOT true?
Daniel Jacobson almost 7 years ago
It stops being a satire, when it is just too true and just too accurate.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I once heard a comedian describe life insurance thus: “You’re betting them that you’re gonna die. And you’re hoping they win.”
Masterskrain almost 7 years ago
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Insurance does way more for you BEFORE you buy than AFTER you buy it.
Linguist almost 7 years ago
Panels #1 and #3 are really funny because, there’s definitely, more than a modicum, of truth to them !
steverinoCT almost 7 years ago
The basic thing to understand is that if you have a serious claim, they are likely paying out more than you paid in. If they are a business, it is then in their interest to deny your claim, and in the Old Days claim adjusters would get bonuses based on the value of claims denied. The ACA was in part an effort to put a lid on that and make it more fair. People denigrate gov’t bureaucrats, but if I’m a G-7 I DGAF about profit; my pay doesn’t depend on it; and I can decide the case on the merits. Mostly. Take the profit incentive away, and things should get better. Unless you are an insurance company.
comixbomix almost 7 years ago
Insurance is the art of sharing the huge expense of serious illness with strangers who don’t get sick…
Godfreydaniel almost 7 years ago
Insurance wasn’t the first industry to use the ol’ bait-and-switch, but they did perfect it.
jpozenel almost 7 years ago
Just you wait until Amazon starts providing prescription drugs and then health insurance! (For Prime members only.)
Teto85 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Thank goddess we’ve finished embodying and renovating our vacation home. We are semi retiring and moving in this summer. On Vancouver Island in a civilized country.