Free Range by Bill Whitehead for January 12, 2018

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 7 years ago

    And you should’ve realised that when you had ink for breakfast this morning.

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  2. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  almost 7 years ago

    They have succeeded in their campaign on literacy. Nobody can read.

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  3. Abcd3
    redback  almost 7 years ago

    better than Facebook news or Whatsapp news. Or, better nothing than everything wrong, and then spread the wrong news because you assume that everybody has to know the truth, even if that truth is somebody treating every idiot he can get a hold on as a tool

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  4. Missing large
    SamT53  almost 7 years ago

    No, not a cartoon. A comic strip.

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  5. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  almost 7 years ago

    It all seems a little sketchy.

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  6. Sanity clause
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The lines have been drawn. Now we have to decide if it’s fake or not!

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  7. Me simpsons 2
    eb110americana  almost 7 years ago

    If you are aware enough to check the written word in dreams, you’ll usually encounter similar problems. Even if there are actual words, they tend to make very little sense beyond a single phrase.

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  8. Stellers sea eagle japan 31794 100x75
    UpaCoCoCreek Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Well I was kinda hoping for the comics !

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  9. Missing large
    Stephen Gilberg  almost 7 years ago

    That’s OK, because he paid for it with bills that just had lines and circles on them.

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