The most notorious example in comics of this murder method was featured in Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham sampled a panel from a crime comic showing gangsters murdering rivals by dragging them behind a car on country roads. See , top right. The sample is half a splash from a story called ‘Gang War’, True Crime Comics #2.
The most notorious example in comics of this murder method was featured in Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham sampled a panel from a crime comic showing gangsters murdering rivals by dragging them behind a car on country roads. See , top right. The sample is half a splash from a story called ‘Gang War’, True Crime Comics #2.
Okay, someone’s gotta say it: this is going to be a drag for Tracy!
I would think it safe to assume our hero (Tracy, for anyone who may be a Doubter) will survive, possibly rather the worse for wear, but alive for sure. Or maybe there will be some sort of Rescue In The Nick Of Time—e.g., if Tracy comes to before Ghost shifts into Drive (I assume an automatic transmission these days) and pops the cuff off the hitch just as the wheels start to turn….
Flash Override! I just figured it out! Tracy ‘s been studying Bribery for so long that this is how he’ll escape: Spoiler Alert! This Dick Tracy is a body double!
Neil Wick almost 7 years ago
Good morning™, guests of the Winrock!
I hear that the caterers are giving free rides back to town for certain special visitors.
avenger09 almost 7 years ago
My oh my, how can it be
Today’s the same as yesterday as far as I can see
Perhaps the one in charge forgot today’s to send
If Locher was the writer the insults would never end
Hopefully tomorrow will finally be something new
Like Ghost giving some gas so we can see what Tracy will do
AnyFace almost 7 years ago
Still “Gouldishly Brutal.”
AnyFace almost 7 years ago
Right up there with trapping Tracy’s gun hand in a vice.
jonahhex1 almost 7 years ago
Somehow I have the feeling that car is going to take a hard trip down the side of a mountain……
thesnowleopard Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Welp, that sure escalated quick.
Crowmeus almost 7 years ago
Once Tracy comes to, all he has to do is lift the handcuff up over the ball of the hitch. Ghost should have made it tighter.
Trespassers W almost 7 years ago
It is just possible that Tracy will see this as a clue that Ghost had something to do with the death.
Pequod almost 7 years ago
Nice transition from Sunday. Tracy’s facing a devastating dry cleaning bill. Pepper needs to chill.
Ignatz Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I doesn’t seem smart to murder someone in a car with a vanity license plate.
tsull2121 almost 7 years ago
Working for Ghost is really a “drag”
tsull2121 almost 7 years ago
Why am I suddenly thinking about Aunt Edna’s dog from the first Vacation movie?
trimguy almost 7 years ago
I hope Ghost knows how to drive in the snow. Otherwise, this could be a smashing failure.
tcayer almost 7 years ago
I think the first tenth of a mile would be sufficient.
DavidJarrett almost 7 years ago
Maybe Popeye or Alice will show up to save the day LOL
CynthiaLeigh almost 7 years ago
How does a guy with no eyes see?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 7 years ago
Sorry, still not feeling well.
tsull2121 almost 7 years ago
Seems obvious to me that Ghost is an Onibla
tracyman8 almost 7 years ago
jrankin1959 almost 7 years ago
Oh, sure – that won’t draw any attention at all…
Cheapskate0 almost 7 years ago
The good, the bad, the ugly
AmuRegression almost 7 years ago
The most notorious example in comics of this murder method was featured in Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham sampled a panel from a crime comic showing gangsters murdering rivals by dragging them behind a car on country roads. See , top right. The sample is half a splash from a story called ‘Gang War’, True Crime Comics #2.
AmuRegression almost 7 years ago
The most notorious example in comics of this murder method was featured in Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham sampled a panel from a crime comic showing gangsters murdering rivals by dragging them behind a car on country roads. See , top right. The sample is half a splash from a story called ‘Gang War’, True Crime Comics #2.
Sisyphos almost 7 years ago
Okay, someone’s gotta say it: this is going to be a drag for Tracy!
I would think it safe to assume our hero (Tracy, for anyone who may be a Doubter) will survive, possibly rather the worse for wear, but alive for sure. Or maybe there will be some sort of Rescue In The Nick Of Time—e.g., if Tracy comes to before Ghost shifts into Drive (I assume an automatic transmission these days) and pops the cuff off the hitch just as the wheels start to turn….
fhoffman01 almost 7 years ago
This Ghost is a malicious cuss, isn’t he. A real Gould-like bad guy.
Cheapskate0 almost 7 years ago
Flash Override! I just figured it out! Tracy ‘s been studying Bribery for so long that this is how he’ll escape: Spoiler Alert! This Dick Tracy is a body double!