Skivvies was a reference to undergarments, flivver was a very early auto, and a trivvet is an object which shields the surface from heat of hot dishes. I still use trivvets frequently. The other 2 are now archaic and many of the others are never used by me.
Destiny23 almost 14 years ago
Well, somebody is anyway!! (Joe…)
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
And so are you, Joe
Happy New Year, Everyone!
kab2rb almost 14 years ago
Ruthie your brother is wrong one to ask questions like that he doesn’t know anymore then you.
HAPPY NEW YEARS 2011*ted.hering almost 14 years ago
Is there any other word in the English language with a double-V in it?
serenasakitty almost 14 years ago
He may not know the answer but he got it right anyway.
lfanterickson almost 14 years ago
Ted, how about flivver? Now I wish there was a modern use for it.
bmonk almost 14 years ago
@ted.hering, what about these: Divvy up, chivvy?
And, while uvula isn’t one, it’s still fun, with it’s uvu.
ganbustein almost 14 years ago
$ grep vv /usr/share/dict/web2 civvy devvel Divvers divvy flivver navvy savvy sivvens skivvies snavvle trivvet uvver
Of those, I only recognize civvy, divvy, navvy, and savvy. (And my built-in spellcheck doesn’t recognize civvy.)
vldazzle almost 14 years ago
Skivvies was a reference to undergarments, flivver was a very early auto, and a trivvet is an object which shields the surface from heat of hot dishes. I still use trivvets frequently. The other 2 are now archaic and many of the others are never used by me.
vldazzle almost 14 years ago
Happy New Year everyone! I’m so glad that OBH gets posted in 3 different times so we can enjoy it 3X over! Love it!