Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 28, 2010

  1. Comic face
    comicgos  almost 14 years ago

    A cubical with no way out - that’ll kill productivity aiight!

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  2. Dscn1232
    palos  almost 14 years ago

    Those interior offices can be gruesome.

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  3. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 14 years ago

    I think he’s found where that smell has been coming from for a while, too.

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  4. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  almost 14 years ago

    Those interior cubes look claustrophobic.

    For some people, work can kill.

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  5. Missing large
    kreole  almost 14 years ago

    That cartoon needs to be hung in all cubicle offices…good one!

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  6. Missing large
    kreole  almost 14 years ago

    Is that a one light bulb fixture hanging up there?

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  7. Young wmb
    wmbrainiac  almost 14 years ago

    overlooked can be good - but only to a point

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  8. Missing large
    Brockie  almost 14 years ago

    A true skeleton crew, no bones about it.

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  9. Photo  1
    thirdguy  almost 14 years ago

    and bathroom breaks would sure be a bear,

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  10. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Looks like there’s a few of them.

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  11. Dscn0003 crop crop
    magnamax  almost 14 years ago

    It has come to the attention of the management that people dieing on the job are failing to fall down.. Since we are unable tell the dead from the normal motion of the staff, this practice willo cease immediately.

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  12. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  almost 14 years ago

    Just do a little “prairie dogging” to check those middle men.

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  13. Andy
    Sandfan  almost 14 years ago

    The spiders seem to be meeting their production schedule.

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  14. 20141103 115559
    Potrzebie  almost 14 years ago

    Are they still being paid? If so, they can be downsized and everyone wins.

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  15. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    Ungrateful wretches! Management trains them to work without food, water, restroom breaks or sleep, and this is how they repay the company!

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  16. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 14 years ago

    I sense a new reality show: Survivor: Office. Only you NEVER get voted off the island.

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  17. Harvey
    ImaginaryFriend  almost 14 years ago

    Are they still working to meet the deadline?

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  18. Missing large
    ilsapadu  almost 14 years ago

    This reminds me of the sandwich I was just reading about in Dilbert

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  19. Orion95
    Jml58  almost 14 years ago

    It is the graveyard shift.

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  20. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  almost 14 years ago

    @comicgos: My thought was exactly the opposite: Does a door to a cubicle create productivity?!

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  21. Guitar
    kilioopu  almost 14 years ago

    Well, we were taught by our company to think out of the box…

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  22. Sweetfire oots
    mirthiful  almost 14 years ago

    i love how the rest of them are seated in the typical Cubical Shoulder Hunch position.

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  23. I am 60
    Barbaratoo  almost 14 years ago

    I had an interior office once - one door; no windows. I hung a picture of an open window… Didn’t help. I quit!

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  24. Whee2
    GuntotingLiberal  almost 14 years ago

    This brings to mind that oldie but goodie: Nobody knows what I do until I don’t do it.

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  25. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  almost 14 years ago

    But… somebody in Facilities Management got a nice promotion (and an office with a window) by making more efficient use of the space…

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  26. Missing large
    sleepeeg3  almost 14 years ago

    I lol’d! Slowly boxed in…

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  27. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    We went from offices with doors and windows to “open space” and cubicles. Productivity (office- we mostly did “field work”) went down 90% in general and I turned in my retirement papers. The center row may just be the lucky ones.

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  28. Avatar02
    jpozenel  almost 14 years ago

    Talk about a dead-end job!

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  29. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 14 years ago

    I used to have my garden and waterfall as wallpaper when I had no window.

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  30. 200px rorschach blot 01
    ses1066  almost 14 years ago

    I once saw this about to happen in real life. A drafting error and an outside assembly crew combined to create a corridor between cubicles about 2 feet wide. The oblivious local manager saw the large open space on the other side and promptly added a conference table and plants for a really spiffy area.

    Each side thought that it was the other’s responsibility to report it to upper management. When the personnel were told to move into their cubicles, a brighter bulb bypassed management by anonymously asking the city fire marshall’s office for a safety inspection.

    Red faces and lots of excusing by all concerned.

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  31. Destiny
    Destiny23  almost 14 years ago

    Apparently someone forgot to install the gerbil feeders to keep the centre row alive…

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  32. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  almost 14 years ago

    The employer should charge them rent for all the days they were there and failed to go home. Take it out of their pensions!

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  33. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  almost 14 years ago

    sayhowURfeelingB4URgone said, about 13 work-hours ago

    Work Until You Die - they would’nt have it any other way….

    As vowed religious, we expect that–just the nature of the assigned jobs will change to what we can handle.

    “The hours may be long, the pay may be low–but retirement is out of this world!”

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  34. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  almost 14 years ago

    No–I’m just saying that we monks, and other vowed religious, don’t really retire. We care for each other, and we work as we can, contributing what we can, until we die. For the elderly or sick, the work is easier, and with more leisure time, but an 80-year-old in good health will still distribute mail, or do phone duty, or walk the dog–whatever is possible. Our continuing contribution to the community. Retirement is heaven–we hope.

    We are the true communists: we each contribute accordint to our means, and receive according to our needs. Only we are religious communists, on a small scale–so it works.

    Oh, and we do have a retirement plan. And are something like 60% funded, not perfect–but better than many, either in religious life or in the secular world. And working on it while we can.

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  35. J money
    Joseph Krois  almost 14 years ago

    Corporations don’t care… If you’re here or you’re there.. As long as the numbers compute… And there’s a geezer inna suit… Alive or dead you’re required… To do the work of the hired… To make the numbers prove out… That the CEO is a genius without doubt… And in the end all is well… With half your staff working in hell…

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