Someone called the cops on a kids lemonade stand here a few weeks ago. The cops ALL showed up! They all bought lemonade. Why in the h-e-double-hockeysticks someone would get that bent out of shape over a kids lemonade stand is beyond me.
Down here they have to pay taxes. Yes it’s a business,and money is made. I don’t see kids selling anything like that here,except scouts selling cookies and popcorn.
You will be charged franchise advertising fees for national promotions that includes development, production costs, air time, and franchise management expenses. We will replace your building and equipment with a new building and equipment to our standard design and standards at your expense or your franchise will be revoked.
charliefarmrhere over 6 years ago
This all sounds so real & true in todays world!
desvarzil over 6 years ago
Sounds like “Weird Al’s” “Mission Statement”:
alien011 over 6 years ago
I guess somebody’s been watching way too much Shark Tank.
Olddog1 over 6 years ago
The promos for Shark Tank are too much Shark Tank.
Qiset over 6 years ago
Don’t forget the attorney when the city shuts it down.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 6 years ago
Someone called the cops on a kids lemonade stand here a few weeks ago. The cops ALL showed up! They all bought lemonade. Why in the h-e-double-hockeysticks someone would get that bent out of shape over a kids lemonade stand is beyond me.
cmh1082 over 6 years ago
Down here they have to pay taxes. Yes it’s a business,and money is made. I don’t see kids selling anything like that here,except scouts selling cookies and popcorn.
Retired Dude over 6 years ago
I can’t believe I read that whole stupid thing.
ChessPirate over 6 years ago
“Are you gonna buy some lemonade, or not?”
Surly Squirrel Premium Member over 6 years ago
The kid will eventually be bought out by Amazon.
Teto85 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Hey Rita, FOAD.
PoodleGroomer over 6 years ago
You will be charged franchise advertising fees for national promotions that includes development, production costs, air time, and franchise management expenses. We will replace your building and equipment with a new building and equipment to our standard design and standards at your expense or your franchise will be revoked.
Andylit Premium Member over 6 years ago
She and Armstrong from Rudy Park would be a match made in heaven.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 6 years ago
Thanks for explaining how that works.