We have the best economy since Reagan, and the most stable world internationally since Eisenhower. Seemingly people can only be angry when things are going well, too worried about self during other times.
When will the Donald learn he’s not Dictator, telling Congress to stay out of NAFTA. They have to approve a new version or kill the old one. Not something he can do with his photo-op signings. Mid terms will happen before the 90 days are up, should be interesting. Liked what Meghan McCain had to say.
Cheapskate0 over 6 years ago
I remember when panel 2 was a liberal battle cry.
And yet, panel 3 is the perfect anecdote – and it’s from a liberal!
kaffekup over 6 years ago
Don’t get mad – get registered!
jbmlaw01 over 6 years ago
We have the best economy since Reagan, and the most stable world internationally since Eisenhower. Seemingly people can only be angry when things are going well, too worried about self during other times.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 6 years ago
When will the Donald learn he’s not Dictator, telling Congress to stay out of NAFTA. They have to approve a new version or kill the old one. Not something he can do with his photo-op signings. Mid terms will happen before the 90 days are up, should be interesting. Liked what Meghan McCain had to say.
dogday Premium Member over 6 years ago
You may not need to be angry, but BOY that nausea is hard to avoid!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Just don’t except a sick society, refuse to adjust to it.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Carmen, you wouldn’t be as angry as you are except for your national party completely folding to the demands of dicktator.
mdmp22 over 6 years ago
See, it’s just like I said. Ignore it and retreat into your own happy place. Mine has unicorns