Chip Bok for November 02, 2018

  1. Photo
    vadimuzdensky  over 5 years ago

    This is a zombie lie. Democrats have proven over and over again that they are not just against Trump. They are also FOR giving people healthcare and education, making sure that people can live on their wages, etc.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Republicans have no ethics and are killing the USA, vote them out.

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    corzak  over 5 years ago

    “Cut taxes and regulations” – for billionaires.

    “Move embassy to Jerusalem” – surrender American power in Middle East

    “Replace NAFTA” – no, only rename it. And fracture NATO. Alienate our allies.

    “Get tough with China” – no, surrender the Pacific, the South China Sea, Korea, Asia, and the future to China.

    “Kill the Iran deal” – continue to surrender American power in Middle East

    “Kill the Paris Climate Accord” – isolate America, surrender future energy economy to China.

    “Build a wall” – still no wall. Not a single brick.

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    cdward  over 5 years ago

    Everything Trump listed in the first panel was a slap in the face of this country and has made us weaker. Every one of them is grounds for at the very least throwing his posterior out in 2020.

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    Real Joel  over 5 years ago

    Dang! It’s great entertainment when the RWNJs start listing Dotard’s supposed accomplishments.

    Cut taxes, for the top one percent of the top one percent. He even as much as admitted he hadn’t reduced middle-class taxes when he suggested he would implement a 10 percent middle-class tax cut before the midterms. What’s happened to that anyway?

    Moved the embassy to Jerusalem to appease Bibi and the Israeli version of RWNJs.

    NAFTA not replaced other than in name. Otherwise no substantive changes.

    Confirmed RWNJ justices including the teen rapist Kavanaught. Neither is like Scalia who at the least was a thinker. Gorsuch and Kavanaught are drones.

    Got so tough with China that China is winning the trade war Dotard started. The trade deficit with China is up despite Dote’s tariffs and US product costs are increasing and some goods formerly purchased in the US are being bought elsewhere. That’s what Trump and Company call winning.

    The Iran deal is still alive, all Dote did was take the US out of it. The other signatories are still recognizing the terms of the agreement. One more step in Dotard’s program to make the world hate us.

    Another step in the plan to win the wrath of the world and again, the US gained nothing by “getting out” of the Paris Accords.

    Build a wall. Who are you trying to kid? No money has been appropriated for any wall construction.

    Nice list Chippie. Too bad like most everything associated with Dotard it’s ppure fantasy.

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    DrDon1  over 5 years ago

    Bok likes dirty air and dirty water! And, besides liking the status quo on health care, he must love the growing Federal deficit!

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    pepys  over 5 years ago

    According to 538, it’s the Republicans who are talking about a Democratic plan to impeach. The Democrats are talking about health care. This ad is pretty close to the current GOP line.

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  8. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Why do Trump Disciples like Chip have to lie ALL the time?

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    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    Must be a slow news day. I haven’t seen “impeachment” mentioned anywhere else for months, and even then I didn’t hear it mentioned by Democrats, but only by Trump fans (including cartoonists).

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    Arbitrary  over 5 years ago

    In order:

    Leads to deaths and increases wealth inequality, causes international strife, only made it worse, Scalia was a scumbag, increased prices of many products we use and hurt more people in the long run, opened up the opportunity for Iran to develop nuclear weapons without repercussions, basically a middle finger to the planet, and huge waste of money.

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