B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for December 17, 2018

  1. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  about 6 years ago

    That’s what you get for waiting until the last 10 days to do your Xmas shopping. They’ve had Xmas stuff out since late September.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Either there, or a nearby picnic…..,

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  3. Doc forbin avatar
    docforbin  about 6 years ago

    If Boise State had that ant as a quarterback they probably would have been in the College Football Playoff instead of being in a third-tier bowl game yet again.

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    !!ǝlɐ⅁  about 6 years ago

    Nope, you’re not yet ready. Shin protectors and a cup. No, no, not for drinking. An athletic supporter.

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    silverclaw33  about 6 years ago

    That’s what Amazon is for.

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    Amra Leo  about 6 years ago

    I don’t have that problem. People scatter when they see kind of a cross between an ogre and a troll bearing down on them…

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    KEA  about 6 years ago

    If it weren’t for the last minute 90% of stuff wouldn’t get done

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Not sure if the armor is for protection but I am thinking that it may not be enough. However, Happy Holidays!!

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  9. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 6 years ago

    They’ll just go for the exposed legs, bud…

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    rAtkinson  about 6 years ago

    I win. This year, I ordered 6 gifts from “Omaha Steaks” to my family. They do free shipping, I get a free gift for myself, and it took me five minuets on the phone to do my Christmas shopping.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  about 6 years ago

    Need more padding. Go online to get it.

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    banjinshiju  about 6 years ago

    He forgot the spikes!

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