That’s okay Brad. 30 or so years later, you’ll be happily married to a young woman that will blow Diane out of the water in EVERY way. While your sister, who STILL doesn’t even have a boyfriend, will be having second thoughts about literally “giving away” a nerdy guy pal that she’s “known forever” but deep down inside, cares very much for……,
Mordock999 Premium Member over 5 years ago
That’s okay Brad. 30 or so years later, you’ll be happily married to a young woman that will blow Diane out of the water in EVERY way. While your sister, who STILL doesn’t even have a boyfriend, will be having second thoughts about literally “giving away” a nerdy guy pal that she’s “known forever” but deep down inside, cares very much for……,
Prescott_Philosopher over 5 years ago
Hey, that’s what Gunther should have said to Luann YESTERDAY!
Joe1962 over 5 years ago
Brad some girls like the chase.
Fishenguy Premium Member over 5 years ago
Dad’s OK with him getting to “first and second base” with the girl!?
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
Siblings (sigh)!
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 5 years ago
Brad needs to sacrifice Luann to the dating gods!