Edge City by Terry and Patty LaBan for October 07, 2019

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  about 5 years ago

    Hope you are wearing boots. You just step in the deep end.

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    Julius Marold Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Well, now that I know I can’t trust you to keep a secret, it follows that I’ll have to keep secrets from you. Way to go Mom.

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    scyphi26  about 5 years ago

    He still hasn’t told her how much his taxidermy woodchuck cost, as he?

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    Sassy's Mom  about 5 years ago

    She’s the one in the wrong. When he asked her to tell no one, that clearly means not a single soul. She should have respected that. Now she’s trying to justify herself, and when that didn’t work she’s trying to pin the blame on him. Sorry, dear, it’s YOUR turn to sleep on the couch, not his.

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