You know … I can be fairly grumpy and arrive at church … and the 20 or so kids that run up and hug me just melt away the frustration. I LOVE working with the kids - it makes the day so much better!
Lizzie is sweet in this strip. But the employee who says to her boss, “I forgot to tell you, I’m leaving early” as she goes out the door shouldn’t be an employee for long!
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
Aww. Now, how adorable is that? :)
magnamax almost 14 years ago
Even teenagers have their ‘Golden’ moments
Plods with ...™ almost 14 years ago
WORDMAN33 almost 14 years ago
Chicken Soup for the mood.
mitchmilam almost 14 years ago
being a double daughter dad…… nothing is better than a hug from a daughter… even now… when they’re in their 30’s
lingsu almost 14 years ago
That is cute and sweet of Elizabeth what she did when she was younger
ses1066 almost 14 years ago
Just when you forget what life is all about, your Guardian Angel will let a little bit of Heaven show through.
Thanks, Lynn, a lovely and warm one for this cold winter morning.
lightenup Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Very sweet, “Nizzie”!
WebSpider almost 14 years ago
Awww… Good strip..
queenmum almost 14 years ago
Love it - but men complain too.
Wildmustang1262 almost 14 years ago
I think Nizzie takes John’s stresses away and make him feeling good with a good kiss from Nizzie. :-) Awww, cute, Nizzie!
gofinsc almost 14 years ago
C’mon John, ONE is too many.
Allan CB Premium Member almost 14 years ago
You know … I can be fairly grumpy and arrive at church … and the 20 or so kids that run up and hug me just melt away the frustration. I LOVE working with the kids - it makes the day so much better!
Gretchen's Mom almost 14 years ago
What could be better in life than a sweet hug from your baby girl?!?!?
Gretchen's Mom almost 14 years ago
Doctor Toon, I left a congrats message for you on yesterday’s forum!
Donna White almost 14 years ago
The miracle cure for just about anything - a hug and kiss from a 2 year old.
camelsamba2 almost 14 years ago
but but but - his mom is visiting! or she was yesterday…
[yeah, yeah, I know the dailies and the sundays are independent, but still…]
Carito almost 2 years ago
Lizzie is sweet in this strip. But the employee who says to her boss, “I forgot to tell you, I’m leaving early” as she goes out the door shouldn’t be an employee for long!