For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 24, 2019

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 6 years ago

    Well, how is John s’posed to sleep, El, if you’re (undeniably) snoring?

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    howtheduck  almost 6 years ago

    If Elly wakes up John every time he is snoring then he will never get any sleep and he will be exhausted the next day. It’s not like a snorer is going to stop snoring just because you wake him up. When he goes back to sleep, he will start snoring again.

    Elly’s rationale is probably that she can fall asleep before he falls asleep again. Even so, his snoring will probably wake her up again even if she’s asleep first. Her solution of waking him up is temporary at best. I speak from experience on this.

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    LeeCox  almost 6 years ago

    What’s really embarrassing is when your own snoring wakes you up (I’ve had that happen, by the way)!

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 6 years ago

    Better have that looked at. It isn’t normal or healthy.

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    JoanHelen  almost 6 years ago

    Time for separate bedrooms. :)

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    zerotvus  almost 6 years ago

    my wife snores like curly howard….

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    Wren Fahel  almost 6 years ago

    My husband snores like you wouldn’t believe. When we were first married it took some adapting…until I read a Dear Abby letter. The letter was written by a woman whose husband was a heavy snorer, but after he died, she would give anything to hear him snore again. After reading that, I have trouble sleeping if I DON’T hear him snore! I’d rather hear him snore than the alternative.

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    e.groves  almost 6 years ago

    I wear ear plugs.

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    Pet  almost 6 years ago

    You have to learn the tuck and roll. Take hold of the opposite arm, cross it over their body, roll them on to their side and then gently bend that arm at the elbow. Now they are on their side and most of the time they stop snoring. Beware the ones that flip back over immediately onto their back – that is where having a guest room comes in handy!The hubby snored for 30 years so I learned a trick or two to get him to stop snoring without waking him up :)

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  10. Jless
    jless  almost 6 years ago

    Lynn’s Comments:

    I once recorded my husband snoring so he could actually hear how he sounded. He retaliated later by recording me!

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    Plods with ...™  almost 6 years ago

    Turnabout is fair play?

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    micromos  almost 6 years ago

    When you are old it’s the best way to know your partner is still breathing.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Hello pot. Hello kettle. Guess what, your both the same color. I wonder is snoring kept wild animals away in the dark nights of our human past, or if it was a sign to the creatures of the night to come and cull the human herd?

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    banjinshiju  almost 6 years ago

    He snores like a chainsaw, and she snores like a jackhammer?

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    summerdog  almost 6 years ago

    My grandsons recorded their sleeping mother’s snores on their cell phone, and played it back for her, after she claimed that SHE never snored.

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    summerdog  almost 6 years ago

    You could always spend the big bucks for an adjustable bed with two remotes. Just jack up his side (or yours) when the snoring starts. Works in the TV commercial for the bed!

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    greatgrannyszoo  almost 6 years ago

    My husband does it all the time better still when he asks if he was snoring..

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    myrendal  almost 6 years ago

    My husband snores and he’s a very light sleeper, so he wakes himself up often. He claimed it was me, but I do not snore. (Suffice it to say that my mother didn’t approve of snoring so I learned not to.)

    Anyway, I recorded us one night and all you could hear was his snores and my deep, slow breaths. Cured him of accusing me of disrupting his sleep. He still snores, though. Dr says it’s not Sleep Apnea, so I don’t worry too much about it. The only time it bothers me is when he falls asleep before I do.

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    chain gang charlie  almost 6 years ago

    My petite 110 lb wife can fall asleep in an instant and in an instant snore like a 1st class Bo’sun’s Mate …

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    yox465  almost 6 years ago

    earplugs work wonders

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    jbruins84341  almost 6 years ago

    Yeah, why is it the person who snores the loudest is the first one to go to sleep? My wife and I both wear CPAPs, but I can still hear what is left of her snoring. And yes, I too have resorted to earplugs. Mostly because of her mask leaks. She says the leak is not significant. HAH!

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