Has there ever been a day when a senior politician consistantly voted his conscience? I can’t think of any in my 70 plus years, with the possible exceptions of Eisenhower and Reagan.
Go back further to the late 1940’s and look up Harry S. Truman. I admired his stands on a number of issues and his very concise replies to the Congress and the press.
Someone told Bess Truman that one of his concise responses included the word “manure.” She responded, “You don’t know hard we worked to make him say manure.”
enigmamz almost 6 years ago
But watch how much they sweat when you turn up the heat!!
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Has there ever been a day when a senior politician consistantly voted his conscience? I can’t think of any in my 70 plus years, with the possible exceptions of Eisenhower and Reagan.
sandpiper almost 6 years ago
Go back further to the late 1940’s and look up Harry S. Truman. I admired his stands on a number of issues and his very concise replies to the Congress and the press.
InTraining Premium Member almost 6 years ago
and they are also good at stretching….the truth… !
PoodleGroomer almost 6 years ago
Someone told Bess Truman that one of his concise responses included the word “manure.” She responded, “You don’t know hard we worked to make him say manure.”
ChessPirate almost 6 years ago
What would be more fun would be watching them try more than one Yoga position at the same time…
sandflea almost 6 years ago
They all seem so supple. Guess they lack spines.