An old lady was walking down the street. She was carrying two large bin bags. A police officer stopped her and told her she had money falling out of one of the bags. He asks if she robbed a bank and she replied “No. You see I live next to the football stadium, and every Saturday in the half time, the men come outside my house and pee in the bushes. I hide behind the bushes with my hedge clipper and I say 20 bucks, or it comes off”.
The police officer says “Ok, but what’s in the other bag?”
Pickled Pete almost 3 years ago
Snip Snip
An old lady was walking down the street. She was carrying two large bin bags. A police officer stopped her and told her she had money falling out of one of the bags. He asks if she robbed a bank and she replied “No. You see I live next to the football stadium, and every Saturday in the half time, the men come outside my house and pee in the bushes. I hide behind the bushes with my hedge clipper and I say 20 bucks, or it comes off”.
The police officer says “Ok, but what’s in the other bag?”
The old lady said “Not all of them pay up…”