I wonder who it was in this comic’s “Apartment 2B” that was at the psychologist?
I remember the old “Apartment 3-G”, and that the Mark Trail artist was lobbying the syndicate to let him take it over… just imagine “Margo Magee” using her “fist o’justice” in that reimagined version… :-P
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 6 years ago
DC getting a little more self-referential here.
alaskajohn1 almost 6 years ago
“Comics are cutting edge.” As opposed to Get Fuzzy.
DennisinSeattle almost 6 years ago
Thanks, Satchel, I will be comforted when I don’t get a comic like Fraz or Arlo and Janis.
dadoctah almost 6 years ago
And those wacky shenanigans going on over at Mary Worth, and Rex Morgan MD.
Breadboard almost 6 years ago
Satchel take this pill ……
sheilag almost 6 years ago
I wonder who it was in this comic’s “Apartment 2B” that was at the psychologist?
I remember the old “Apartment 3-G”, and that the Mark Trail artist was lobbying the syndicate to let him take it over… just imagine “Margo Magee” using her “fist o’justice” in that reimagined version… :-P
donwalter almost 6 years ago
Life cannot get any better than to find humour in all things…
dogbreath84 almost 6 years ago
….or not 2B, that is the question.
iggyman almost 6 years ago
I laugh outload at some comics, too Satchel! (Funny ones)
Prey almost 6 years ago
Doesn´t worry me, people are always giving me their stupid opinions.
Al Nala almost 6 years ago
Satchel’s head is above Bucky’s!
erin.adamic Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Does he mean ‘Apartment 3G??’
retcoach almost 6 years ago
Amen from this Canadian! Why become the 51st, when we are already the best?
Kind&Kinder almost 6 years ago
Yeah, we don’t see it, but Bucky’s currently busy cutting somebody’s edge!
dan almost 6 years ago
thats cool..