Put a spoonful of sugar in your mouth, put your fingers in your ears and drink a glass of water through a straw. Cures them every time. Yea I know, no one will believe or try it. However, my wife talked me into doing it 49 years ago when we were first married, and it worked. And has every time.
Not good when your diaphragm regresses to when you were an amphibian. Well not you exactly. But the previous function of that organ. It is independent of your breathing in that mode. One way is to concentrate on gaining control over the diaphragm with your conscious mind to return it to normal function or get hit in the diaphragm will paralyze it for a bit might work. Or just wait it out and try to forget about it. Nothing else really works. Nothing.
BE THIS GUY over 5 years ago
What are friends for?
codycab over 5 years ago
Hobbes knows how to really have fun.
Prescott_Philosopher over 5 years ago
Ain’t payback a…?
LeeCox over 5 years ago
Have you ever seen an x-ray of a hiccup, Hobbes? As Lucy Van Pelt will tell you, there’s nothing funny about it!
rentier over 5 years ago
From what Calvin should have a Dollar?? Hic is free, it costs nothing!!
JudyHendrickson over 5 years ago
in calvins case to me its hilarious!!!!
Robin Harwood over 5 years ago
Hobbes is evil.
rk over 5 years ago
BigDaveGlass over 5 years ago
That’s hiclarious..
SonicFan91 over 5 years ago
It is hard telling people you have the hiccups when you hiccup every 3 seconds. That reminds me of a joke:
Q: What cup cant you drink from
A: A hiccup
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
Work that for all it’s worth, Hobbes!
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
Your patience is commendable, Hobbes! :D
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Some times the little things make us the most satisfied. There is also the added bonus of applying the fright supposedly needed to cure the hiccups.
rmercer Premium Member over 5 years ago
Be sure to subject Calvin to at least 3 “cures”. “Drink a glass of water while singing the Star Spangled Banner, backwards.”
Vgrift85 over 5 years ago
Love It…..
uniquename over 5 years ago
I once got a really nasty case (3 days) of hiccups after some minor surgery. My loving family thought it was hilarious.
Amra Leo over 5 years ago
I love Hobbes’ grin in the last panel…
Rocketman over 5 years ago
One example of why Hobbes has always been my favorite character.
A Hip loving Canadian... over 5 years ago
If boys get the hiccups, why don’t girls get the shiccups?
chromosome Premium Member over 5 years ago
I’d like to see him try to blow some bubbles and the "hic"s emerge when they pop.
jrpah Premium Member over 5 years ago
Put a spoonful of sugar in your mouth, put your fingers in your ears and drink a glass of water through a straw. Cures them every time. Yea I know, no one will believe or try it. However, my wife talked me into doing it 49 years ago when we were first married, and it worked. And has every time.
BiggerNate91 over 5 years ago
Oh God, not this arc…
Ripplin over 5 years ago
Always interesting when a comic character breaks the fourth wall.
kab2rb over 5 years ago
For me if and when I have hiccups, I drink hot water to help calm down the spasms.
Bookworm over 5 years ago
That’s just mean, Hobbes. Pant-wetting hilarious, but mean.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Not good when your diaphragm regresses to when you were an amphibian. Well not you exactly. But the previous function of that organ. It is independent of your breathing in that mode. One way is to concentrate on gaining control over the diaphragm with your conscious mind to return it to normal function or get hit in the diaphragm will paralyze it for a bit might work. Or just wait it out and try to forget about it. Nothing else really works. Nothing.
mistercatworks over 5 years ago
I once had “psychosomatic” hiccups for three days before a physics exam. It’s exhausting.
Concretionist over 5 years ago
If he were any kind of friend, he’d sneak up behind Calvin and roar.
Stephen Gilberg over 5 years ago
Those are the most rapid hiccups I’ve ever seen. He even did a double in between syllables in the last panel.
gantech over 5 years ago
Scare him…bring on Susie
hagarthehorrible over 5 years ago
I love the smug smile on Hobbes in the last panel.
writerchristiandad over 5 years ago
For the record, it’s spelled hiccough (English is a funny language). And anything you do that you believe will stop them will stop them.