I look at the picture and put it together as shown. Use the shortest screws first to see if they work. If you use the longest you wind up at the end with screws that are too short.
whenever my dad and I tried a project, my mom would watch and laugh…he was great with tools, me not so much..she always said it was like watching laurel and hardy
The dibbles who make most of that stuff just copy somebody else’s design and don’t know how to read or write in the first place -You Expect them to actually furnish directions?Lucky if you get a Rebus….
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
Tenga que gustarte esa compañía sueca de construir muebles. (You gotta like that Swedish company of building furniture.)
Jml58 over 5 years ago
Good idea.
over 5 years ago
It’s always nice seeing them spend time together.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 5 years ago
I look at the picture and put it together as shown. Use the shortest screws first to see if they work. If you use the longest you wind up at the end with screws that are too short.
Moon57Shine over 5 years ago
Let Gracie put it together. She’ll have it done in no time.
Leojim over 5 years ago
Light weights!
oakie817 over 5 years ago
whenever my dad and I tried a project, my mom would watch and laugh…he was great with tools, me not so much..she always said it was like watching laurel and hardy
saje49 over 5 years ago
And when they came back in, the elves had the chest all put together…
GaryCooper over 5 years ago
For shame, boys. Build that chest!
chain gang charlie over 5 years ago
The dibbles who make most of that stuff just copy somebody else’s design and don’t know how to read or write in the first place -You Expect them to actually furnish directions?Lucky if you get a Rebus….
Naldrin 12 months ago
I actually like building furniture. It’s like Kinder Surprise for adults (but without chocolate, unfortunately)