@ekw555 and JPuzzleWhiz: Marie Kondo is a woman who wrote a book about how you can make your life so much better by tidying up everything. She would have a migraine trying to sort through all the stuff I’ve got left from relatives who passed (and every time I try to get rid of pictures, letters and so on, I can’t seem to do it…)
B UTTONS over 5 years ago
San Francisco’s Transbay Terminal. Taxpayers paid $2 billion and the facility is still unsafe.
ekw555 over 5 years ago
I have no idea what is going on here.hopefully it’s some political thing and I’ve managed to be blissfully ignorant.
TheWildSow over 5 years ago
I am the ANTI-Kondo. My book is “The Joy of Leaving Your S#!+ All Over the Place!”
Argy.Bargy2 over 5 years ago
@ekw555 and JPuzzleWhiz: Marie Kondo is a woman who wrote a book about how you can make your life so much better by tidying up everything. She would have a migraine trying to sort through all the stuff I’ve got left from relatives who passed (and every time I try to get rid of pictures, letters and so on, I can’t seem to do it…)