Rufus has a washing machine? I know the place has electricity because of the Chef Meowrice commercials he watches, but I thought running water was a stretch (considering his hygiene practices).
I responded to well-i-never’s post from yesterday, saying that I hit it on the head. Please know I have no means of reading strips ahead, etc. I just have followed GA on and off for years, and know how things tend to work out for Rufus, and Joel.
It’s feels nice for someone like me to be able to say, in that VERY rare moment, ‘I CALLED IT!’ Cheers!:)
AnyFace over 5 years ago
DaJellyBelly over 5 years ago
That note brought a tear to Rufus’ eye and maybe to some of the readers of this strip. She repaid Rufus’ kindness in probably the only way she could.
Captain Colorado over 5 years ago
Where did she go?
Quabaculta over 5 years ago
I dunno. l’d check to make sure my valuables are safe and sound. Wait…..this is Rufus. No valuables except kitty cats. How sweet of Willow.
jrlind55 over 5 years ago
Rufus has a washing machine? I know the place has electricity because of the Chef Meowrice commercials he watches, but I thought running water was a stretch (considering his hygiene practices).
cindy.hutchison over 5 years ago
I wonder what “I cleaned up” means.
dewcoons over 5 years ago
Just a reminder that Rufus can not read. He should have no clue what the note says.
khmo over 5 years ago
Wow, great ending
Ignatz Premium Member over 5 years ago
She spells “and” "an’ ".
TracyFan 65 over 5 years ago
Awww! Is it possible we misjudged Willow??
BlitzMcD over 5 years ago
Well that was an unexpected turn of events….
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Willow is not so bad after all!
Code the Enforcer over 5 years ago
I responded to well-i-never’s post from yesterday, saying that I hit it on the head. Please know I have no means of reading strips ahead, etc. I just have followed GA on and off for years, and know how things tend to work out for Rufus, and Joel.
It’s feels nice for someone like me to be able to say, in that VERY rare moment, ‘I CALLED IT!’ Cheers!:)
Pipe Tobacco over 5 years ago
Hopefully Rufus will now invite Joel in to see the cleaned abode before Rufus messes it up again.
oakie817 over 5 years ago
pony21 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I wonder if Rufus wished Willow would be gone – and maybe feels a twinge of guilt now?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Maybe Rufus can read now.
hsawlrae over 5 years ago
B E A U T I F U L .
charlesmt over 5 years ago
What a nice twist on the story.