Jason: Let's see...Dad's razor...Dad's shaving cream...Dad's deodorant...Ah, here we go! Dad's Rogaine! Hmm, no mention of feet in the instructions.
Marcus: Oh, shoot. I got some between my toes.
Peter: Guys, even if the "Hobbit" movies DO need extras...
comicgos almost 14 years ago
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
Besides, the stuff apparently isn’t growing any hair on your dad’s head, Jason, so what makes you think it’d grow any on your feet?
DerkinsVanPelt218 almost 14 years ago
If my memory serves me right, they used slip-ons in those movies.
miniwidge almost 14 years ago
Bombadil can’t really be done for today’s audience. I was playing Lord of the Rings Online, where you go into the world and do quests, etc. They did a pretty decent Tom Bombadil and, in chat, all I kept hearing was “What is this guy, gay or a pedophile or what?”
ponytail56 almost 14 years ago
does rogain work on the palms of your hands? boy that would get the folks wondering about that old wives tail and what their son has been doing when they weren’t looking
garfield246 almost 14 years ago
Some of Andy must be rubbing off on Peter.
magnamax almost 14 years ago
ponytail: If you’re thinking of the activity I believe you are, that is known to remove hair. That’s why boys palms are bald.