Cow and Boy Classics by Mark Leiknes for September 22, 2020
"So we're getting ready to order our sandwiches and the cashier leaves his register to go make them." "Yeah, so?" "So? He didn't wash his hands or put on any gloves. He just used his hands that he handled all of that filthy money with and proceeded to make our sandwiches like it was no big deal." "You see this hoof? You know where it's been. Never been washed." "Yeah, so?" "I know you are trying to make some point. But please stop." "Nope, no point."
jvn over 4 years ago
Buy a bag of chips and leave.
mi_sbs over 4 years ago
I guess washing the sandwich is out of the question
AdultComicFan over 4 years ago
Sounds like he decided what sandwiches to make, too, if you were getting ready to order when he left to make them.