For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 15, 2011

  1. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 14 years ago

    That would be my advice as well. Although I realize that it is MUCH easier said than done.

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    EarlWash  almost 14 years ago

    DUCK, JON, DUCK!!!

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  3. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  almost 14 years ago

    The husband’s motto.

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    cdward  almost 14 years ago

    ^^And it works! Nobody’s forcing her to drive herself crazy. Sometimes, it’s better to sit in the mess and un-stress.

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  5. Webspider
    WebSpider  almost 14 years ago

    What else does she have to do? Really? Drama and Elly go hand in hand…

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  6. Webspider
    WebSpider  almost 14 years ago

    Getting tired of hearing and seeing in the strip how Elly Patterson is allowed to be portrayed as a woman who can get away with physically abusing her spouse…. really tired… It wouldn’t be funny if John were throwing things at her…

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    convin9003  almost 14 years ago

    Actually, his advice isn’t all that bad. Sometimes you need to relax and enjoy life. BTW I did not see anything in the strip advocating violence, just some stupid commenters.

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  8. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Definitely need to take his advice to keep sane sometimes. I do my best, but I will never have a model home.

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    DerkinsVanPelt218  almost 14 years ago

    Out of sight-out of mind.

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  10. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “Son, why is your bed 4” taller then it was an hour ago?”

    Mornin’ Neighbours!

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    gaebie  almost 14 years ago

    sayhowURfeelingB4URgone said, about 3 hours ago Stay seated while she goes and gets the iron pan, to beat it up side your head….

    EarlWash said, about 8 hours ago DUCK, JON, DUCK!!!

    Would it be funny if you referred to John hitting Ellie? Why is male bashing accepted here all the time? John could help Ellie with her problems, but she is the one (portrayed in a comic) as having problems.

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  12. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  almost 14 years ago

    I also am getting very tired of the commenters who suggest that Elly abuse John.

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  13. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  almost 14 years ago

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  14. T128
    Nelly55  almost 14 years ago

    thanx annamargaret, but it won’t do any good………I’ve tried too.

    BTW, my mother was June Cleaver without the beads. Our house was spotless and she still cleaned it! Everything was organized to the nth degree. We didn’t call her “Top Sargent” for nothing.

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    Tempscire  almost 14 years ago

    You mean like when Elly “doesn’t” abuse John by throwing a perfume bottle at his head? Or messing with him by twisting a loving endearment into an insult and ranting at him for it?

    Besides, the comments in this thread have been people complaining about other posters cheering at the thought of Elly abusing John. EarlWash I could give the benefit of a doubt to, but sayhowURfeeling’s comment is very clearly supporting a pan beating of John.

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    EarlWash  almost 14 years ago

    The reader’s reactions to the postings of Ely getting back at Jon with violence by using weapons is overblown. Based upon the look on Ely’s face suggests she is about to give Jon a swift, and hopefully a gentle, whack along side his head with her hand. This is a “Comic” (as in funny) for heavens sake. Lighten up.

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  17. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  almost 14 years ago

    I read the comic 4 times and I didn’t see anything about Elly hitting him or throwing anything at him.

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  18. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I used to have an issue with our kitchen garbage can. Seems no one in my house knew how to change the bag except me. Took a lot of will power on my part, but I let the trash go until it was overflowing because I refused to change it anymore. After a while the mess stopped bothering me. FINALLY my sons and husband got the hint and they too, got sick of looking at it, Now they change it when it needs it, instead of waiting for “mom” to do it.

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  19. Chw82caz11g91ca55h709cawjthlocay2dk85camu64fqcal7s34pcaxyf5n8cakvj1lkcahoq0imca5qa1hbca6k2m2tcaogqf60caob9irfcasvef94ca8ab2alcasx22etcaol4fmjcazjz28x
    ldyhwkd  almost 14 years ago

    John may have it right with the “Don’t look”. After a few times of the kids not having the favorite shirt to wear because its dirty, or not being able to find their favorite toy, and Lynn’s only response being that they should have cleaned up their stuff and it wouldn’t be a problem, maybe they will do a slightly better job of picking up after themselves.

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  20. Webspider
    WebSpider  almost 14 years ago

    Oh no! Maybe it was all the talk of violence, maybe John had one too many objects thrown at him, maybe it was some else with a grudge against her…. but Elly got whacked!

    No idea who came up with this twisted story arc, but it is interesting… I take no responsibility for the content.

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  21. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 14 years ago

    Easier said than done, John, when you’re as compulsive and anal-retentive as your wife is!

    Meanwhile, maybe Elly needs to kick the kids’ cr@p back into their rooms, shut the doors and tell them to clean up their own mess for a change!

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    newworldmozart  almost 14 years ago

    as a mom, you always see the mess the other household occupants don’t see. You want your house to look clean and nice for when your friends come over. Because you know that they are judging your house, just like you would judge their house. As for the suppose Elly on John abuse. OMG, pull your heads out. It’s just a comic strip. It’s suppose to be funny. And slap stick is funny, not abuse. Of course none of that is happening it today’s strip.

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