Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for May 09, 2021
Tyr: So where does your strength come from? Captain Victorious: A radioactive comet. Tyr? What? That makes no sense! Captain Victorious: Oh, like the source of your strength makes more sense? Tyr: My strength is from Odin, whose father was licked into existence by a cow, and whose mother was born from the sweat of a giant!! Captain Victorious: Okay, that makes more sense but it sure ain't pretty.
Differentname over 3 years ago
That probably sounds a lot better in the original Hyborian.
well-i-never over 3 years ago
Don’t forget to call your mother.
Prey over 3 years ago
So Tyr is the son of a sweaty cow? You tell him!
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
Sweaty Saliva Saga?
(⚆﹏ʖ ⚆)
knight1192a over 3 years ago
Your power comes from a microwaved coffee mug, Cap. You “lost” your power when someone pointed out to you that you couldn’t get your powers from a radioactive metor or comet and you mopped for a week or two about it. That is until Bixby let you touch his microwaved coffee mug and you said “I’m back baby!”
willie_mctell over 3 years ago
Birth is messy. Trust me. I’ve seen it.
Physicsfreak over 3 years ago
The Jatravartids believe The Great Green Arkleseizure to have sneezed the entire universe out of his nose and fear the Coming of the Great White Handkerchief, so what is so strange about a little cow spittle and giant sweat.