The Middle Age by Steve Conley for October 14, 2019

  1. Img 0537
    kwsNI Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Sounds more like a defensive weapon in panel 1.

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  2. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Maybe she’s the bad one, since she got them stoned..

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  3. Gocomics
    dragonbite  about 5 years ago

    I like her.

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  4. Tma gocomics main character image 600x600
    Steve Conley creator about 5 years ago

    The Kickstarter campaign for The Middle Age: Volume Two is live! A few readers asked about Volume One, so it’s available as well through the campaign. :) Here’s the URL:

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    Bobtul07110  about 5 years ago

    There is something about mysterious, unpredictable women. I married one. She keeps me on my toes and I love it.

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    AndrewSihler  about 5 years ago

    Oooh. Maledicta is a cynic. (I suppose we could have guessed.)

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    Steve Conley creator about 5 years ago

    This episode is interesting in that I think it’s the least our hero has appeared on the page. I’ve always tried to make sure he’s central to every episode – even when he’s unconscious – so this is weird. :) I’m looking forward to waking him up again soon. :)

    BTW, I was right… Drawing that magic bow is nearly as time-consuming as drawing all that chain mail. And coloring the bow is so much more complicated – shading all those snakes. :)

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    Ib12us  about 5 years ago

    The bow comes in handy for her business of selling lawn furniture, outdoor statues and water fountains

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    bob-droid12  about 5 years ago

    So the half-elf have an ancient magical bow and knows about other anci … I mean “timeless classic” objects. She sounds like she have a interesting backstory.

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  10. Tma gocomics main character image 600x600
    Steve Conley creator about 5 years ago

    I hoped to have wrapped up episode 192 before hitting the road, but no luck. A spoiler-free, B&W sneak peek can be found over on Patreon ( I’m about to head to the airport for the Baltimore Comic-Con and I’m so very excited. I’ll be sure to share a report or two over on Patreon from the show floor! I hope to see some of you there!The Kickstarter campaign is going amazingly well. After hitting the goal on just seven hours, we’ve already unlocked two stretch goals. Big big thanks to everyone who has been able to contribute and help share the campaign! for the next episode when I’m back at my desk on Tuesday! — Steve

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