Usually, having clean underwear is because you’re getting hit by a car (after that, the underwear is probably not clean anymore). Splitting your pants is a gimme. Pouring pudding all over yourself… yeah, how your underwear started out is still not relevent.
Laurie Sefton Premium Member about 5 years ago
Who knows what bad clothing decisions percolate in the minds of wee boys? Their Mums do! (Cue spooky laughter)
LastRoseofSummer Premium Member about 5 years ago
The one accident I was in I was wearing pink flowered panties. And yes I was embarrassed!
jschumaker about 5 years ago
The look on Wallace’s face in the last panel is priceless.
jschumaker about 5 years ago
How did they coax Spud back into school? Pudding??
mesotiny1 about 5 years ago
“Remember son, skid marks don’t always come from car tires….”
crookedwolf Premium Member about 5 years ago
Guess Dad needs reminding, too..?
Ida No about 5 years ago
Usually, having clean underwear is because you’re getting hit by a car (after that, the underwear is probably not clean anymore). Splitting your pants is a gimme. Pouring pudding all over yourself… yeah, how your underwear started out is still not relevent.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
I always thought it was in case I got ‘lucky.’
p_sully214 about 5 years ago
Merely a stronger argument for “commando.”
enigmamz about 5 years ago
That was a sudden end to a weird arc.
Bullet Bronson Premium Member about 5 years ago
And “The Pants Situation” shall go down in the annals of history.
mysterysciencefreezer about 5 years ago
Moms ALWAYS know!
LrdSlvrhnd almost 5 years ago
Moms always know, Wallace.