Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for October 26, 2019

  1. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Hot Rod*  about 5 years ago

    Fans blowing for the hot blooded company.

    Snakes in hell are cold blooded .

    Dry out wet ones…sweating with fever.

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  2. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Hot Rod*  about 5 years ago

    Good God,

    I have been robbed.

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  3. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   about 5 years ago

    “Throw them to the Great Whirling Blades!”

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  4. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Froglandia Fan Blade Cleaning Service: for those times when the feces hit the fan…

    Blade Runner: the person who brings your fan blades in to be cleaned.

    Fan fare: what the Blade Runner charges for the service

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  5. Painpain
    painedsmile  about 5 years ago

    Believe me, when the fecal plumes start multiplying and the fan* in my bathroom is on the fritz, I need fresh air… and lots of it.

    *(from the Froglandia Fanblade Company, a subsidiary of the Froglandia Bathmat Factory. I forget the name of the parent company but I think it’s owned by a midget with small genitalia.)

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  6. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 5 years ago

    My double fan window fan blades were plastic. They got so old that one day they just flew apart. One piece set up a cascade effect so they all just cracked off and crumbled in a fit of glorious chaos. I replaced them with aluminum. Because they were ingrates.

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  7. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 5 years ago

    So I’m in. No shakes, no quakes, no jitters for quitters. That’s for me. I ask Bob if I can score a Frieze. Sure, he says. I’ve got four of them. You want to know about them? One is a total sociopath. Nope… I’m good. I’ll play the roulette on this one and take whatever comes up. I download one at random and get the synthesis for the nanos to use it. I can make it up on my own system at home. It will be an adventure. A leap into the unknown. I say ‘night and head back to my CH. As I’m going, Bob says to remember the frogs.

    By the time I get home, my skin is crawling again, on the inside. Worse, I’m starving. I grab a frozen pizza and toss it into the QuiqChef. It scans the code on the package and starts a twenty minute convection cycle. Bob says the Brain Frieze takes about ten minutes, so I’ve got time to run one before I eat. The synth glitches when I load the nano recipe, says it has to repair the synth protocols. Not the first time. I say go ahead. With the nanos loaded and ready, I sit in my one comfortable chair and inhale them.

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  8. Td  2
    Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member about 5 years ago

    ish is to words what ___________ is to ___________.

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  9. Atheism15
    INGSOC   about 5 years ago

    an annoying co-worker will not stop speaking directly into their desk fan, I guess the co-worker has alot to say, as long as the co-worker keeps their fingers away from inside the fan when the fan is switched on

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  10. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 5 years ago

    I’m a big fan of Frog Applause

    And that’s why I drink Tree Frog Beer, the beer of the “Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers”.

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  11. Colt2
    coltish1  about 5 years ago

    The cause of the end of Pollyanna’s short, deluded life.

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  12. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  about 5 years ago

    90 thousand of them in some stadiums across the country today.

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  13. Motherthalweg
    Mother Thalweg  about 5 years ago

    @frogapplause CREATOR (from yesterday)

    Dear CREATOR

    It was wholly a pleasure to hear from you yesterday via the comments section (and I especially appreciate the preventative health advice).

    My Rotifer reports that he posted a comment containing a no-no word on that fairly new comic of that GoComics’ high mucketty-muck (Rotty said he didn’t think “high p***ed” was verboten – apparently he was wrong). That got him shadow banned by the GoComics’ suits (or dresses, if you prefer).

    Cousin Glenola reports that the resistance against squirrel treachery is a miserable failure (but the potlucks are still fabulous!).

    I hope you, your turtles, and all Burritts everywhere are well, fluless, and shingles-free.

    With highest personal regards, I remain yours,


    Rotifer’s Mother

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  14. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Hot Rod*  about 5 years ago

    Screw blade uh british thread on with that cap thingy?

    Everything’s backward in England.

    Is hell up there?

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  15. 7831c9a4 3d01 43f0 af20 333f72f4f2c7
    Howard'sMyHero  about 5 years ago

    Hellish Props to FA …!

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  16. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 5 years ago

    Like the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

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  17. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    That which hits the fan is not always evenly distributed.

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  18. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 5 years ago

    That existential dread of, ‘is this all there is?’ becomes the wonder of ‘why are we given a brief time in a mortal physical body on a hostile planet in the void of space?’

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  19. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    I reserve judgment whether these particular fan blades really do point to “a hellish truth,” such as Magnetic North. More information is required if we are to formulate a reliable analysis….

    Froglandian experts agree with me, you know.

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