Coach Nordling: Dear, I'm going to start a fitness program. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Nordling: Because you expect to gain 10 pounds on Thanksgiving Day. Coach Nordling: Exactly.
Losing ten pounds in about two months may be possible (looking at him and thinking he’s just starting) but gaining ten pounds in one day is not. But (looking at him) he should get serious about “fitness program” and not think so much about the number of pounds.
allen@home over 2 years ago
Good luck with loosing ten pounds. The gaining ten pounds no problem.
Yontrop over 2 years ago
Losing ten pounds in about two months may be possible (looking at him and thinking he’s just starting) but gaining ten pounds in one day is not. But (looking at him) he should get serious about “fitness program” and not think so much about the number of pounds.
Carl Premium Member over 2 years ago
And where does the Halloween candy fit into this plan?
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
I can see it now! “The Nordlings of Megawoods”, a recurring sketch focusing on Chester’s attempts at shedding his excess pounds.
timbob2313 Premium Member over 2 years ago
The older you get the harder it is to lose weight. OTOH, it is far far easier to gain.