If you look really carefully among all that scribbling that is the plastic garbage, you can see a message for what bonespurs can do to himself. — Sorry Wiley, couldn’t resist.
I think logic needs to be introduced here: when a person shops for a used vehicle they first exam the exterior and then the interior and note the mileage. They may even look under the hood and in the trunk. The prudent shopper would then ask about the vehicle’s services and repair history. The next step would be to test drive the vehicle in town and on the highway. This would be the logical course of action. Yet the progressives/socialists in this country are trying to foist a form of government on this nation that they themselves have never lived in or worked under. To compound their illogical stance they choose to ignore all the refugees that are currently fleeing progressive/socialist countries from South America. None of the progressives/socialists have made the effort to talk with the older generation of immigrants who fled communist USSR and Eastern Europe. I just completed a word search of the Communist Party’s webpage (cpusa.org) The word hits were “progressive-766”, “socialist-622”, “communism-219” and “communist-1,588.” As you can see the words “progressive” and “socialist” are just synonyms for “communist/communism.” The following facts should alarm all Americans and be a call to action. “Between 1917 and 1987, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin and their successors murdered and were otherwise responsible for the deaths of 62 million of their own people.” Note: this does not include the millions killed under the regimes of China and North Korea. End of spiel.
The word hits were “progressive-766”, “socialist-622”, “communism-219” and “communist-1,588.” As you can see the words “progressive” and “socialist” are just synonyms for “communist/communism.”
Do a web search of a medical textbook and you’ll find, using your own “logic”, that “milk” and “cancer” are synonyms.
Have you ever seen a picture of the actual Pacific “garbage patch”? You probably have and don’t realize it since it looks exactly like any part of the open ocean.
willispate about 5 years ago
personally, Eddie could do better.
eastern.woods.metal about 5 years ago
And I’ll wager it’s all white trash
comic4matt about 5 years ago
It ended better than I had expected…
sirbadger about 5 years ago
I don’t understand what immigration has to do with any of the previous statements. They suddenly switched subjects from garbage to immigration.
kgornick Premium Member about 5 years ago
Bilan about 5 years ago
If there’s any question about whether this navigatah is Trump, just remember that Trump said the White House is a dump.
keenanthelibrarian about 5 years ago
And his ‘Nation’ will gradually dissipate over time – about 10 to 15 thousand years, from now.
wb4ngn about 5 years ago
Wiley, you are truly wily…
Old Codger about 5 years ago
Captain Eddie needs a GPS.
Phaeton51 about 5 years ago
Remember! He’s a genius!
lee85736 about 5 years ago
“Hey! You can’t abandon me! I’m a legend in my own mind!”
rs0204 Premium Member about 5 years ago
The idiot Navigator reminds me of someone…Now if I can just remember the orange idiots name…
Radish... about 5 years ago
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
Rev Phnk Ey about 5 years ago
If you look really carefully among all that scribbling that is the plastic garbage, you can see a message for what bonespurs can do to himself. — Sorry Wiley, couldn’t resist.
Masterskrain about 5 years ago
Well, it IS a Garbage Dump, and he IS Garbage, so… what better place to dump him???
the lost wizard about 5 years ago
We have plans for a recycling business once we can find enough underpaid illegal labor. Our public position will be that we want them all deported.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
I am king of all that I survey. Including the curtains.
vics_machine Premium Member about 5 years ago
“Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
jal333 about 5 years ago
DirtyDonald deserves the island of his own plastic personality.
diverleo about 5 years ago
Look at all the haters. Gonna be a long second term for you.
ayespin about 5 years ago
I think logic needs to be introduced here: when a person shops for a used vehicle they first exam the exterior and then the interior and note the mileage. They may even look under the hood and in the trunk. The prudent shopper would then ask about the vehicle’s services and repair history. The next step would be to test drive the vehicle in town and on the highway. This would be the logical course of action. Yet the progressives/socialists in this country are trying to foist a form of government on this nation that they themselves have never lived in or worked under. To compound their illogical stance they choose to ignore all the refugees that are currently fleeing progressive/socialist countries from South America. None of the progressives/socialists have made the effort to talk with the older generation of immigrants who fled communist USSR and Eastern Europe. I just completed a word search of the Communist Party’s webpage (cpusa.org) The word hits were “progressive-766”, “socialist-622”, “communism-219” and “communist-1,588.” As you can see the words “progressive” and “socialist” are just synonyms for “communist/communism.” The following facts should alarm all Americans and be a call to action. “Between 1917 and 1987, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin and their successors murdered and were otherwise responsible for the deaths of 62 million of their own people.” Note: this does not include the millions killed under the regimes of China and North Korea. End of spiel.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 5 years ago
Do a web search of a medical textbook and you’ll find, using your own “logic”, that “milk” and “cancer” are synonyms.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member about 5 years ago
A suitable ending. Back to the ‘spires.’
fix-n-fly about 5 years ago
As Seals and Crofts once wrote – I am the king of nothing….
bakana about 5 years ago
No matter what, Cap’n Eddie always finds his way back because Flo is the Only person left on the planet who will allow him to run a Bahr Tahb.
whelan_jj about 5 years ago
Have you ever seen a picture of the actual Pacific “garbage patch”? You probably have and don’t realize it since it looks exactly like any part of the open ocean.