Duplicate or not? He was always as mad as a hatter, and he actually had cause to hit the guy who darted him, so this course of action would not be unexpected from the original. Still anybody with the exception of Tippocanoe and the knitting ninja could be a plant.
mddshubby2005 about 5 years ago
C’mon Tip! Time to play Whack-a-Mole! Choose your target wisely!
crookedwolf Premium Member about 5 years ago
Oh dear, now crochet guy is in limb-o..
Ida No about 5 years ago
Never use knock-out drugs on a guy that designs death traps. Use a club.
bob-droid12 about 5 years ago
I say do the whack Tip. Don’t want to act suspicious in front of any possible body-snatchers
Darwinskeeper about 5 years ago
Duplicate or not? He was always as mad as a hatter, and he actually had cause to hit the guy who darted him, so this course of action would not be unexpected from the original. Still anybody with the exception of Tippocanoe and the knitting ninja could be a plant.
danketaz Premium Member about 5 years ago
Another whacko heard from.