my grandmother, bless her addlebrained heart, once sent me a check for 10 bucks and it really was the thought that counted because it turned out that cashing it here in japan would’ve actually cost me money. she didn’t understand why i never cashed it…
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
You would think she would at least include a coupon you can use.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Why not?
ajr58(1) over 2 years ago
What HE said!
Bob Blumenfeld over 2 years ago
And once again, it ain’t necessarily the amount (at forty, a fiver is peanuts), it’s the excitement of discovering it.
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
my grandmother, bless her addlebrained heart, once sent me a check for 10 bucks and it really was the thought that counted because it turned out that cashing it here in japan would’ve actually cost me money. she didn’t understand why i never cashed it…