POP KN: firsrt time he slept through the night!!
No, you celebrate when he does for the 12th time because that means it’s now a habit.
It does happen.
As I recall, the first time our son slept through the night was cause for us to wake up at 6 am in a panic and rush into his bedroom to make sure he was ok. He was.
You’ve earned every drop of the bubbly.
Life’s Little Vics.
Keith Knight
February 13, 2017
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
No, you celebrate when he does for the 12th time because that means it’s now a habit.
Bob Blumenfeld almost 2 years ago
It does happen.
brooklyn51 almost 2 years ago
As I recall, the first time our son slept through the night was cause for us to wake up at 6 am in a panic and rush into his bedroom to make sure he was ok. He was.
Miss Buttinsky Premium Member almost 2 years ago
You’ve earned every drop of the bubbly.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Life’s Little Vics.