Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for January 04, 2021

  1. Missing large
    stairsteppublishing  almost 4 years ago

    You would be cherished forever if you used the thank you notes. They will take you far.

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    PammWhittaker  almost 4 years ago

    Oh come on, I don’t recall any teenage Christmas just getting socks, toothpaste, a sweater and thank you notes! Where’s the fun stuff? The stuff she wanted? I did write thank you notes, our Aunt Donna made sure we did by not giving a gift the next occasion. Smart woman! I don’t make my nieces and nephews write a note, but I do want at least a text message from them

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  3. Fractal blue
    RobertaPyle  almost 4 years ago

    These days the kid is likely to snap a cell phone picture holding or using the gift, then send a “Thank you” E-mail. I would actually be happy with this.

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