I damsel, you damsel, he/she/it damsels, they shall have damseled. English is amazing.
(I once worked with some young Brazilian software types. They were absolutely thrilled when they heard me say I was going to "UCF [submit a bug report against] a problem. They wished Portuguese allowed them to say things like that.)
Kaputnik almost 5 years ago
She could try modeling, and be a damsel in this dress.
pschearer Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I damsel, you damsel, he/she/it damsels, they shall have damseled. English is amazing.
(I once worked with some young Brazilian software types. They were absolutely thrilled when they heard me say I was going to "UCF [submit a bug report against] a problem. They wished Portuguese allowed them to say things like that.)
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 5 years ago
Helping damsels outta dis dress is a noble calling.
Nuliajuk almost 5 years ago
Wouldn’t have one in the house. They attract damselflies.
Lady loves a joke almost 5 years ago
Yeah girl. Stop waiting for Mr. Right and go look for him. The idiot could be stuck in a tree somewhere.
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
But I was born to damsel…it’s the only thing I know…..dam!
P51Strega almost 5 years ago
Damsell? Isn’t that what beaver realtors do?
dflak almost 5 years ago
So like where are her distressed jeans?
The Reader Premium Member almost 5 years ago
It’s not a profession. Its a lifestyle!
comixbomix almost 5 years ago
That’s right – blame the victim…
PoodleGroomer almost 5 years ago
The pay is ok and I’m only staying with Disney until I finish school.
Lablubber almost 5 years ago
Being locked up in towers, kidnapped by dragons, why would she want to give that up?
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
As a Damsel, it was predistressed [predestined].