Sorry for the confusion. When I posted this cartoon of FB and Insta (after noting the confusion here) I led with text saying “He hasn’t been to this class since maybe the first day, his legs are caught in some sort of slow-motion force field, and he forgot to get dressed before he went out.” That seemed to go over better. Thanks for the feedback.
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 5 years ago
Not a dream we share, Fred. I was impressed by your surfing on the Hudson though.
annqueue almost 5 years ago
What’s with his legs?
Ida No almost 5 years ago
Fred: “Wrong room? My bad.”
bxclent Premium Member almost 5 years ago
things that make you go————-WTF :)
Sam Hurt Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Sorry for the confusion. When I posted this cartoon of FB and Insta (after noting the confusion here) I led with text saying “He hasn’t been to this class since maybe the first day, his legs are caught in some sort of slow-motion force field, and he forgot to get dressed before he went out.” That seemed to go over better. Thanks for the feedback.