For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for April 26, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago

    ah, motherhood

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    howtheduck  over 4 years ago

    April’s wake-up in the middle of the night was before 4:35 am. With my firstborn in his first month, I think that was about the time of the 3rd wake-up in the middle of the night. If the loss of sleep makes Elly cry, then she’s going to be doing a lot of crying. Fortunately for Elly, Canada had 15 weeks of maternity leave back in 1991, so she does not have to go to work in the morning like John does.

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    PoodleGroomer  over 4 years ago

    Load distribution. He changes the diaper while she goes to the bathroom. He passes her off and gets mom something to drink while she nurses her. She puts the baby and herself back to bed and he hugs her until she goes back to sleep.

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  4. Naturalhairmecartoon
    Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 4 years ago

    My son was very colicky and hubby and I had a system that worked for us but we were still very stressed and tired. I never had another child. Both circumstances and desire to never go through that again helped in making that decision. 12 years later and we’re still glad we never had more. Hats off to the families that added to their brood after going through all of this!!! Wow!

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    JudyHendrickson  over 4 years ago

    Ohhhh butshe already has a full time job wit3kids now!!!!

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    JoanHelen  over 4 years ago

    While you are going through the midnight feeds and the potty training etc, etc, it feels like forever. Bur when you look back on it it only lasts for about two years and then one starts to feel more civilised again. :)

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    GirlGeek Premium Member over 4 years ago

    She probably woke Lizzie up as well

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    dlkrueger33  over 4 years ago

    You never change the diaper before feeding or you’ll have to change it again! Elly should know that by now. Unless, of course, there was a big mess BEFORE eating.

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    Kkrnc74 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Elly forgot about “back to sleep”, the current recommendation that newborns sleep only supine (not prone or side lying) to help prevent SIDS. Of course, when my babies were born, we were taught to put them down prone in order to prevent aspiration. I say sleep them in any position in which they sleep best!

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    Gerard:D  over 4 years ago

    Lynn’s Comments:

    I don’t think I have ever been as exhausted as when I was up all night with my babies. My husband often said he’d take on half the nighttime routine, but when he had to go to work in the morning and I was nursing, it just made more sense for me to handle it all.

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    The Pro from Dover  over 4 years ago

    Ours would fall asleep around 6:30 at night and sleep to around 6:30 or so in the morning. One grandmother said to wake him up and feed him and change him during the night. The other grandmother said leave him alone let sleeping babies sleep and that he would let us know if he needed something as seen in the strip above.

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    BlitzMcD  over 4 years ago

    That very last panel speaks volumes.

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    Super Fly  over 4 years ago

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

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    DatsunMan  over 4 years ago

    A stay at home mother’s (full time mother) work is never done. Bless them. It is up to the man to man up and assist will all tasks around the house and not just go away to work for the 9-10 hours away from all the tasks the mother does.

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  15. Panda 2024
    Redd Panda  over 4 years ago

    To illustrate how men and women approach a problem differently, I once suggested putting the kid in the shed. I assured her the boy would be fine. This was in the early morning. I survived my foolish idea, just barely.

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    greero00  over 4 years ago

    Because of medical issues, my first daughter had to be bottle fed. Even though I worked full time, my wife and I shared the middle-of-the-night feedings. It was a monumental hassle. However, there were trade offs. After one 3 AM feeding and burping, I was playing with my newborn and she gave me the biggest, first ever smile. My heart burst with love and joy, and that alone made it all worth while.If having babies was as bad as some make it out to be, nobody would have more than one.

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    tripwire45  over 4 years ago

    She doesn’t actually have to get up at a certain hour to be at a job, so she can sleep until the baby wakes up. John, on the other hand…

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    USN1977  over 4 years ago

    I always liked the one where baby Elizabeth is crying. John gets up, brings her to the kitchen, and puts her in the high chair. However, John is so spaced out that he goes to refrigerator, gets a drink, then shuts off the lights and goes back to bed. The last panel shows Elizabeth in the dark, still sitting in her high chair.

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