If Broomie isn’t immediately returning the robot to the dealer for a refund, that tells us all we need to know about the intelligence of at least one person.
Our floor robot “Buzz” is so cute, I don’t even mind having to move all the furniture aside or watch him to make sure he doesn’t get stuck while he’s “working”
An interesting bit of experience from the past. Turn the scrap into little Vroom Vroom cars again. Too many kids among others never learned to interact with anything else, but gadgets.
Many moons ago as a young intern, on my first day in the laboratory, one of the guys (I was the only female) said “Great, now we have a woman to do the dishes.” The “dishes” were about 3 months of glassware that the slobs were too lazy to wash. I dutifully filled the sink with the cleanser and water, picked up the first beaker, held it above the floor and dropped it saying “Oops, I broke one!” I proceeded to do the same to the second beaker. The Supervisor then told the male intern (the one responsible for the dirty glassware) “Tom, you better do your own dishes.” I will always clean up after myself and I expect others to do the same.
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
A human programmed you, bot, a human can also destroy all your “too much information” memory….
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
<Swinging the recharger’s cord> What, me worry?
carlzr almost 5 years ago
“XF 227XJ” really rolls of the tongue, doesn’t it.
Durak Premium Member almost 5 years ago
“And lo, a new Broom-Hilda character was created, and it was good. For he was witty and clever and made a fool of Broomie.”
tcayer almost 5 years ago
Same thing happened when my wife asked me to do the laundry!
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 5 years ago
If Broomie isn’t immediately returning the robot to the dealer for a refund, that tells us all we need to know about the intelligence of at least one person.
the humorist formerly known as Hotshot1984 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
but she is a witch, robot, and you do not mess with witches
Buckeye67 almost 5 years ago
AI at work. Be afraid, be very afraid.
paranormal almost 5 years ago
One day computers will become self aware. They’ll eliminate man and have their own for all the needed tasks. Humans will be obsolete.
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
Ha, husbands have been doin’ that for years.
oldlady07 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Our floor robot “Buzz” is so cute, I don’t even mind having to move all the furniture aside or watch him to make sure he doesn’t get stuck while he’s “working”
heathcliff2 almost 5 years ago
An interesting bit of experience from the past. Turn the scrap into little Vroom Vroom cars again. Too many kids among others never learned to interact with anything else, but gadgets.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Broomie still has some cigars aside.
Sisyphos almost 5 years ago
Props to XF-227J. Still, it is pretty easy to fool our little green gullible witch….
pchemcat almost 5 years ago
Many moons ago as a young intern, on my first day in the laboratory, one of the guys (I was the only female) said “Great, now we have a woman to do the dishes.” The “dishes” were about 3 months of glassware that the slobs were too lazy to wash. I dutifully filled the sink with the cleanser and water, picked up the first beaker, held it above the floor and dropped it saying “Oops, I broke one!” I proceeded to do the same to the second beaker. The Supervisor then told the male intern (the one responsible for the dirty glassware) “Tom, you better do your own dishes.” I will always clean up after myself and I expect others to do the same.