La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 08, 2011

  1. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    Hey careful. She still a impoverished student herself, until the school board reimburses her for her MS

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  2. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I think Radish just neglected to use the sarcasm font

    in one comment I poked fun at the sign at one of the tea party rallies that said “get a brain, morans” I just typed it in without context and somebody leaped in there and triumphantly read me the riot act on proper spelling of the ‘moron’ , proving that I , indeed, was the moran

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  3. Angry baby
    drtom01  almost 14 years ago

    So now the Conservatives are saying that teachers are the cause of the budget problems. Billions in Tax Cuts for the rich but those teachers, firemen and police are the whole cause of the problem. The teachers, firemen and police have to tighter their belts because they are so high paid and going from 36% to 38% is too much pain for a multimillionaire.

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  4. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  almost 14 years ago

    Greedy Teachers make CEO’s sad when the Estate Tax isn’t lowered. Again.

    Next year, they take on this Minimum Wage nonsense.

    After 2012, President Haley “Boss Hogg” Barbour leads the fight against those horribly restrictive Child Labor laws. (You get children doing the work for half of what you pay an adult, and fewer kids in school means you can fire more teachers. It’s win-win.)

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  5. Junco
    junco49  almost 14 years ago

    What I like about life is that it’s so simple and straightforward. All answers can be found in a few seconds. Bad guys and bad acts can be spotted easily just by opening your eyes. The labels we put on these things are always accurate. The right is always wrong and the left never over simplifies things. Or is it the left is always wrong and the right is always right? Any time anyone doesn’t get things exactly right they must be evil. Then again if anyone gets something just a little bit right they must be a genius and anything they say about the “other side” is automatically totally correct. It’s enough to drive an ordinarily sane person crazy.

    Oh! and nighthawks, I sure hope you don’t need to see the sarcasm font to figure this one out.

    BTW what is that font and how do you implement it?

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe  almost 14 years ago

    @Rich Grise- So what do you think will happen to the middle class once the GOP succeeds in destroying those ‘greedy unions’? Who will be able to raise money to fund candidates besides Citizens United, Americans for Prosperity & other fronts for Corporate interests? Unions have been far from perfect, but they have lead the fight for workers’ rights.

    The path of breaking unions & eliminating labor protection isn’t going to end up well for those of us outside of the Executive Suites.

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  7. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  almost 14 years ago

    Let’s see… which Tea Party slogan goes here… Um… how about…

    “Drill, baby,drill!”

    No, maybe not, at least not in THAT sense…

    “Forced charity isn’t charity!”

    Yeah, that aughta make Walker and company sleep better at night…

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  8. Missing large
    DjGuardian  almost 14 years ago

    Yea, Radish. I know we don’t always agree (though we have quite often recently) but you threw me there for a second. What is the sarcasm font anyway? I could use it sometimes myself.

    But this was one weird thread for me… I actually found myself agreeing with CK!?!! It was like a shrilling shiver running up my spine where I thought I had been consumed by the ‘dark side.’ Lew still has me befuddled, but eh…

    Thanks nighthawks for the clarity.

    junco no, no, no…. see, the left is always right and what’s right is always left out. Or is it the right is always left out and the left is never right? Or is it what’s right is right and what’s left doesn’t matter? Hmmm… confounding. Anyone?

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  9. Missing large
    DjGuardian  almost 14 years ago

    And yes, two rights aren’t supposed to make a wrong, but it does send you the way you came.

    Technically, so does two lefts… does that mean that they are actually going the same way? Anyone?

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