also with Gallaudet U’s football team, there is a bass drum player that let’s the players know it’s time to play, when the referee makes a call, etc.; they feel the vibrations in the air
Vitamins with glitter; I’m sure everyone truly concerned for their health jumped at that. Must be for frat guys, “Hey Mike, Tom, come check this sh** out.”
Anything that would pass through the digestive tract and sparkle cannot be any good for the tract, slicing it open as it passes, causing leaky gut syndrome. Really stupid idea.
Glitter is bad stuff as it becomes microplastic waste the moment it is used. It’s everywhere – I was analyzing some sand samples from the Mojave desert and found glitter in it. All that poop glitter will wind up in the ocean.
jimrh74 almost 5 years ago
Well I’m glad the dog made it but one wonders what of the owners?
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
also with Gallaudet U’s football team, there is a bass drum player that let’s the players know it’s time to play, when the referee makes a call, etc.; they feel the vibrations in the air
Bilan almost 5 years ago
Just how did the boat capsize in Queensland Australia?
Does the multivitamin make your MRI or x-ray sparkle also?
(just nitpicking for bad jokes here)
Grumpy Old Guy almost 5 years ago
Of all the “sparkly” things in my life, that I can do just fine without…
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Were they playing the Astros?
The Pro from Dover almost 5 years ago
They had to cut away from the Raiders and the Jets game in order to go rescue them.
aimlesscruzr almost 5 years ago
When I first saw “WEAREFEEL” I read it as “WereFeel” and thought "Oh wow, vitamins that can turn me into a poopin’ glitter lycanthrope…
J Short almost 5 years ago
Vitamins with glitter; I’m sure everyone truly concerned for their health jumped at that. Must be for frat guys, “Hey Mike, Tom, come check this sh** out.”
wirepunchr almost 5 years ago
(Sh)it happens.
drycurt almost 5 years ago
Anything that would pass through the digestive tract and sparkle cannot be any good for the tract, slicing it open as it passes, causing leaky gut syndrome. Really stupid idea.
popster227 almost 5 years ago
Glitter is bad stuff as it becomes microplastic waste the moment it is used. It’s everywhere – I was analyzing some sand samples from the Mojave desert and found glitter in it. All that poop glitter will wind up in the ocean.
Durak Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Wait, doesn’t everybody’s?
Stephen Gilberg almost 5 years ago
Not to be confused with vitamins that make you Twilight Sparkle.
craigwestlake almost 5 years ago
The ones I make have the toilet screaming in terror…
bennie33801 almost 5 years ago
I think the dog swam in the wrong direction.
gmu328 almost 5 years ago
also, was the dog the only survivor?
Angry Indeed Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I have a question about that football team. Does the quarterback sign before center snaps the ball?