This guy taking paratrooper training had what he thought must be a dumb question: What do you do in a mass jump if you’re descending faster than the guy underneath you, and you come down on top of his chute? Nobody else in the class asked the question. The instructor didn’t mention it either. Must be a dumb question, he thought, so he didn’t ask. First actual mass jump and it happened. His chute started to collapse without his weight at the end of the suspension lines. Then he started collapsing the chute of the guy underneath. He had to figure it out immediately or they might both be dead. And he did. He quickly walked off of the chute beneath him. So, when your life is on the line, there are no dumb questions.
wjones over 4 years ago
Remove the laces,
Jonathan Mason over 4 years ago
Leaving your laces untied is not a cool look – you look like an idiot who doesn’t know how to tie their laces, and you look scruffy.
julie.mason1 Premium Member over 4 years ago
They make shoes with Velcro closures.
Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member over 4 years ago
A guy bought shoes from a drug dealer. “I don’t know what he laced them with, but I’ve been tripping all day”
Charlie Fogwhistle over 4 years ago
This guy taking paratrooper training had what he thought must be a dumb question: What do you do in a mass jump if you’re descending faster than the guy underneath you, and you come down on top of his chute? Nobody else in the class asked the question. The instructor didn’t mention it either. Must be a dumb question, he thought, so he didn’t ask. First actual mass jump and it happened. His chute started to collapse without his weight at the end of the suspension lines. Then he started collapsing the chute of the guy underneath. He had to figure it out immediately or they might both be dead. And he did. He quickly walked off of the chute beneath him. So, when your life is on the line, there are no dumb questions.