If I remember my college poetry, there are two feet to an iam.
Lewreader, you kind of remember it backward. An iamb is one kind of foot. Feet can be two, three or four syllables long. Iambs are either a two-syllable foot or a misspelled brand of pet food.
^ I don’t know whether I’m happy that I missed that or disappointed…
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
If I remember my college poetry, there are two feet to an iam.
runar almost 14 years ago
Lewreader, you kind of remember it backward. An iamb is one kind of foot. Feet can be two, three or four syllables long. Iambs are either a two-syllable foot or a misspelled brand of pet food.
DjGuardian almost 14 years ago
^ I don’t know whether I’m happy that I missed that or disappointed…