The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for June 28, 2020
Miss Overdunne: The Elderpark Carolers are singing, Ludmilla! How lovely! Carolers: Christmas day is over with. The gifts they are abounding. The huge amount of useless junk, it really is astounding. I see you have a DVD to take into the shower. And I myself have just received a phone shaped like a flower. Oh, would you care to swap those socks for my ceramic kitten? Or maybe cooked dyed bright green, that I have hardly bitten? Fa-la-la and Fa-la-lee! Let's pile this stuff up higher, and dance around like we were kids, and light it all afire. Miss Overdunne: you smell smoke? Ludmilla: Give me department of fire.
dwane.scoty1 over 4 years ago
“.. Is to bring emergency straight jacket supply, Da?”
ajr58(1) over 4 years ago
angelolady Premium Member over 4 years ago
I save all the Elderpark performances. They’re full of precious detail.
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 4 years ago
I feel the same way about thoughtless xmas gifts & don’t give me all that jazz about (it’s the thought that counts); but Salvation Army or Goodwill are happy to receive it.
Ed Brault Premium Member over 4 years ago
Sounds like a great song for the Jeager-Girls to add to their show at Mamma Gkikka’s!