Adam; Hi, name's Adam Newman and I live over near the cheese castle. Adam; My son asked me the other day, "why doesn't our town recycle, dad?" Adam; I didn't have an answer for him why don't we? Board member; Because we don't have a recycling program.
Plods with ...™ almost 14 years ago
…and brevity.
dante.deangelo almost 14 years ago
I’ll take and honest and dumb politician over a smart and lying one anyday.
twj0729 almost 14 years ago
How about a smart and honest politician? Can that be classified as an oxymoron?
Allan CB Premium Member almost 14 years ago
twypsi - if there was EVER a smart and honest politician, the world as we know it would implode.
mlkirk12530 almost 14 years ago
Looks to me like Adam is going to be volunteered to head the committee to make a recommendation to find the means to start a department to look in to a new recycling program.