As Lewis said on the Drew Cary Show:
“My Dad spanked me just once. Part way through I said, ‘Work the other cheek, it’s getting lonely.’ He never touched me again. Never talked to me much after that either…”
I agree, Newenglandah, but they also need to give the parents back the right to spank thier own kids again and give the paddles back to school principals, instead of arresting them for child abuse. Kids today know that no one can touch them and they use that to the nth degree to get away with whatever they want. A good paddling never hurt anyone. Beatings on the other hand … and I had my share of those growing up too!
Llewellenbruce over 13 years ago
Better a sore butt than a stretched neck.
margueritem over 13 years ago
Broomie might ‘like’ spanking…
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
The judge is tanning the Hyde of that mister.
Woody157 over 13 years ago
He might be in for more than he expects. When the judge finishes with Broomie she might turn to the judge and say, “All right, Judge your turn now”
cybergal29 over 13 years ago
I agree with you, Darkeforce.
waynl over 13 years ago
I think more of Judge Judy’s litigants could use a brain.
Plods with ...™ over 13 years ago
But then they’d have to share, oldfarmhand.
Yukoneric over 13 years ago
I get to spank the good lookin’ ladies……………
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Spanking should begin at home.
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
As Lewis said on the Drew Cary Show: “My Dad spanked me just once. Part way through I said, ‘Work the other cheek, it’s getting lonely.’ He never touched me again. Never talked to me much after that either…”
Redhead55 over 13 years ago
I agree, Newenglandah, but they also need to give the parents back the right to spank thier own kids again and give the paddles back to school principals, instead of arresting them for child abuse. Kids today know that no one can touch them and they use that to the nth degree to get away with whatever they want. A good paddling never hurt anyone. Beatings on the other hand … and I had my share of those growing up too!
Phatts over 13 years ago
Discipline is always going to be a touchy subject.
Even in the day when spanking was not only allowed, but encouraged, an out-and-out beating was considered harmful.
But the way things are trending these days, I imagine in a few years parents will be arrested for taking away the kids’ Playstation.
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
And now for the Bad Joke of the Day:
Here’s a man who really gets to the bottom of things!
Woody157 over 13 years ago
Yes, SherlockWatson. That was a bad one. SO BAD that it was GOOD. SIR Arthur Conan Doyle could not have done better.
boldyuma over 13 years ago
Judges hand by itself just won’t cut it…
You need a paddle with holes in it so the meat goes through.
coolpersonwithsunglasses over 13 years ago