SOME of our friends were just talking the other day about the days when bologna came in a long sausage style casing – and the butcher used his butcher knife, guessed how much it would take to make a pound, and chopped off about a pound. Then he would weigh the hunk he cut off and you would decide whether or not you wanted to slice another hunk off the long link or were willing to accept the slice he had already made. Slicing machines were a VERY new innovation – it was not until years and years later that bologna came in packages which were already pre-slided. Also, in those days, IF you were so well off that you could actually BUY your bread at a store, the bread was NOT sliced. But most people still baked their own bread. Bologna tasted better in those days!
mathteacher678 over 2 years ago
The butcher has no knife?
Its just me over 2 years ago
I’ve seen people do that to their hand.
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
Sluggo is full of baloney!!! :-D
LoisG Premium Member over 2 years ago
SOME of our friends were just talking the other day about the days when bologna came in a long sausage style casing – and the butcher used his butcher knife, guessed how much it would take to make a pound, and chopped off about a pound. Then he would weigh the hunk he cut off and you would decide whether or not you wanted to slice another hunk off the long link or were willing to accept the slice he had already made. Slicing machines were a VERY new innovation – it was not until years and years later that bologna came in packages which were already pre-slided. Also, in those days, IF you were so well off that you could actually BUY your bread at a store, the bread was NOT sliced. But most people still baked their own bread. Bologna tasted better in those days!
jagedlo over 2 years ago
Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!
Sharkybill over 2 years ago
Did old ceiling fans used to be razor sharp?
sheilag over 2 years ago
Good way to get a load of dirt, filth, dust and probably other grease on your bologna…
Ceiling fans are gatherers of the gross stuff in a room.
anncorr339 over 2 years ago
cubswin2016 over 2 years ago
That almost looks like something Macguyver would do.
countoftowergrove over 2 years ago
The stock bald man shaved his stache.
The Orange Mailman over 2 years ago
Hire that boy.
j.l.farmer over 2 years ago
Use a meat grinder and make bologna spread sandwiches.
billyk75 over 2 years ago
Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 2 years ago
The slicing machine’s out of order because one of the clerks backed into it, thus getting a little behind in his work…
brklnbern over 2 years ago
Not very sanitary and likely to fly all over the place instead into Sluggo’s packing paper.