My spouse had this theory about watermelons. Seedless watermelons are picked early… so they do not have an opportunity to develop seeds. But it also leaves them with much less sweet flavor! My counter argument was that it was childhood memory of summers of sweet melons picked fresh from the field that was blocking him from enjoying store bought melons.
But I have to admit… I remember Root Beer having much more flavor. Something with a bit of a kick. I have bought all sorts of Root Beers with the hopes I can find something palatable. But too many are colored sugar water with a spritz of flavor.
I’ll take a nice, tall, cool glass of Root BEER, Please! I’ll even toss in some Bar Nuts for good measure! :)
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Light one up!
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
My spouse had this theory about watermelons. Seedless watermelons are picked early… so they do not have an opportunity to develop seeds. But it also leaves them with much less sweet flavor! My counter argument was that it was childhood memory of summers of sweet melons picked fresh from the field that was blocking him from enjoying store bought melons.
But I have to admit… I remember Root Beer having much more flavor. Something with a bit of a kick. I have bought all sorts of Root Beers with the hopes I can find something palatable. But too many are colored sugar water with a spritz of flavor.
I’ll take a nice, tall, cool glass of Root BEER, Please! I’ll even toss in some Bar Nuts for good measure! :)
Dobber Premium Member over 4 years ago
Oh, that the whole world could join in “just for today.”
Michael G. over 4 years ago
All we are saying … – St. John-of-The-Dakota
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Unity….we could only hope!
Skeeter77 over 4 years ago
I think this is the first time I have seen a cat in the kennel.
bloodykate over 4 years ago
This made me smile. : D
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
Hope, for the birds sake, the cat’s in with this.
krhinter over 4 years ago
Jack Daniels has always tasted the same through the decades.