Why is the alien trying to look like the person Rip loves the most? The alien can’t have a romantic interest in Rip. Perhaps the alien is trying to coax Rip into letting Betsy/Space Cobra come along as co-pilot while they steal a space ship to return to Earth? The space-con artist would have a good time on Earth.
allen@home about 4 years ago
You can’t lie to a mind reader Rip.
dja1701 about 4 years ago
If his subconscious is still in love with Cobra, that’s truly a nightmare.
Brian Premium Member about 4 years ago
So how much of it is illusion? All the way back to the plane crash?
Gent about 4 years ago
Eh? Then what about the big blue alien who was jailed? That’s an illusion too?
Gent about 4 years ago
And just what the alien astronaut theorists were always afraid of … Mind reading aliens!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 4 years ago
The Catpocalypse of the mind.
WilliamVollmer about 4 years ago
This development is worse than “It’s all a dream.” It’s a holodeck!"
Chithing Premium Member about 4 years ago
Well that’s a disturbing revelation. The Cobra part, not the cheesy illusion part.
WoodstockJack about 4 years ago
Lukebacca and Han Falcon fly in the Organa Solo to defeat Evil Father and the Impire.
bytebot-gocomics about 4 years ago
Why is the alien trying to look like the person Rip loves the most? The alien can’t have a romantic interest in Rip. Perhaps the alien is trying to coax Rip into letting Betsy/Space Cobra come along as co-pilot while they steal a space ship to return to Earth? The space-con artist would have a good time on Earth.
bartwell7 about 4 years ago
I always suspected that Cobra was his true love…Don’t we all miss those backstabbing with love days?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 4 years ago
JDP_Huntington Beach about 4 years ago
Yes, Space Cobra nailed it. Now nail Space Cobra – and don’t look in the mirror.
StoicLion1973 about 4 years ago
As a proud member of Team Breezy, today’s strip is a disturbing development. Granted, the way Breezy dumped Rip for Jenkins was more disturbing….
dryley1221 about 4 years ago
So… who else had to look up the Star Trek pilot to get this?
tomjudytx about 4 years ago
Cobra was his sugar bullet. “Mom” to Rip Jr.
Thorby about 4 years ago
Ohhh…So THAT’S the way it is, Rip….Breezy knows; hence Jenkinns “filled In”! Rip, you dawg…
Thinkingblade about 4 years ago
So the default setting for the alien brain is a grid? That seems weird. :-)
tad1 about 4 years ago
tad1 about 4 years ago
While I really do like Cobra, I prefer to think of Breezy as Rip’s love interest. I’d much rather see Cobra with Sheriff Utah.
Dragoncat about 4 years ago
I’m still rooting for Breezy! Team Breezy all the way!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
“Cat’s Paw” also comes to mind.
NWdryad about 4 years ago
A-HA! I have nothing against Breezy, but to me Cobra has always been Rip’s soulmate.
oakie817 about 4 years ago
the plot thickens
washatkc about 4 years ago
Cobra cobra cobra…