@Farside99? If you haven’t seen it, give this a read. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/531294-congresss-pork-filled-covid-relief-bill. Some money for virus, but much more money for countries that have nothing to do with virus, and nothing mentioned for US territories hit so hard by successive disasters.
RAGs about 4 years ago
Thanks to the republicans we’ve all been scrooged.
sandpiper about 4 years ago
@Farside99? If you haven’t seen it, give this a read. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/531294-congresss-pork-filled-covid-relief-bill. Some money for virus, but much more money for countries that have nothing to do with virus, and nothing mentioned for US territories hit so hard by successive disasters.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 4 years ago
He returned home to drink, to raise his spirits.
jandsmusic about 4 years ago
Marley was dead!