Endtown by Aaron Neathery for December 09, 2020

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    WoodstockJack  about 4 years ago

    Now, now, Wally. Don’t be a Debbie-Downer. Sometimes, Topsiders can be warm, cuddly Koalas. They just need a little encouragement and a tear in their biosuits.

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    Vet Premium Member about 4 years ago

    An interesting turn of events but understandable. A scientific branch and a militaristic branch. Right now it’s Cardoodles meet the Nerds. Wait till they see the Mall…..of course wait till the infection in their system sees Wally and company.

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    Pappyvtx  about 4 years ago

    This topsider kind of reminds me of a timeshare salesman; “Here are all of our wonderful accoutrements to heighten your stay!” All the while behind the scenes are the shoes about to drop !

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  4. Mr bullterrier
    Mr. E. Bullterrier  about 4 years ago

    Aside from his previous experiences, seeing the decaying face of Dr. Amesworth with feeding tubes going down her throat left quite an impression on Wally. I think the overly cheerful behaviour of the Top-sider is just another facade to him, hiding something that’s horrifyingly damaged yet blissfully unaware of that fact.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Everybody’s a comedian. But this guy is less funny than a late-night talk show host.

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    darkstripe  about 4 years ago

    “Y’know, Cracked Cat, for a comic book character you aren’t all that funny!”

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  7. Rudy
    Urbane Gorilla  about 4 years ago

    With all the unconscious, unmerited superiority the Topsider exhibits it’s not surprising the biosuits are white. (Not that other ethnicities don’t act the same way, but this strip is written from a Western viewpoint.)

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  8. Groucho
    Barnabus Blackoak  about 4 years ago

    whats he hiding behind his back ?

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  9. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 4 years ago

    Remember, there is no mutagenic virus. The mutations are caused by interdimensional interactions, therefore mutants are NOT “plague rats” that must be exterminated. It may be that this group of topsiders has caught on to that and realize that if they are ever going to get out of those suits, they will get farther by working with Wally & Co than they will by dissecting them.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 4 years ago

    ^ :

    Umm since it was Amesworth (who came from this place) that pointed all of that out to Wally, it is not “it may be that this group has caught on to that” but “this group already knows that”

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    JimHorn  about 4 years ago

    The view looking down in panel 2 confused me for a moment. It looked like Duffy was being snatched and lifted up above the others, not to be seen in the following panels. Glad that’s not the case!

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    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Wally: “Every Topsider I’ve met has been a murderous lunatic.”

    And yet, both Amesworth, and now this guy, appear to be different.

    And yet (again), this as yet unnamed fellow says he had to convince his bosses – to do what?

    Show Wally and friends the facility?

    Or let them live?

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    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    10-Dec-20 – comment posted to both Endtown and Two Party Opera:

    Endtown and TPO are my two favorite comics, but both suffer a similar problem: Reliability. For Endtown, the issue is often Aaron’s health, while for TPO, it’s that the artist’s “day job” often leaves him insufficient time for this side gig – and we have no idea whether Go Comics pays him or not.

    The problem at Endtown is that (one) other than Wednesday, it’s not a given when the strip is going to be out. Sometimes it’s Friday, but sometimes, it’s Sunday. If it’s Sunday, then there’s no Monday. And so on.

    Most of all (two) Aaron is very consistent in that, if a cartoon is released, it will be back-dated. Zum Beispiel: This week’s Wednesday cartoon didn’t “drop” until Thursday. Hence, Endtown never shows as “updated today.”

    At TPO, Brian might go months at a time without an update – his last effort was the day before Thanksgiving. And yet, when he does produce, it is a daily cartoon. The floodgates are open or it’s a drought.

    I’m pretty sure this little rant isn’t going to solve anything. But I do wonder whether I’m alone in this feeling:

    For our favorite cartoons, we need to check once a week and that’s about it?

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    ViscountNik  about 4 years ago

    Show them where they keep the MUTTS. They’ll get a kick out of that…

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Hmmm, this guy thinks they live in holes or under tents? And yet he knows about the Eden Project (Remember we saw a map in the previous comic). That’s a disconnect. It could mean he is not one of the ones at that meeting, or that he is running a little excited and not making the right mental connections. Wally is right to be wary.

    The other elephant in the room (besides Alan) is that Wally should have described the “end of the world” situation that happened when Amesworth got “in phase” on the Eden Beach. There was just the barest mention that something may have gone wrong when the topsiders were discussing the meeting of Amesworth and the guys (obviously Wally is not a trusted observer yet).

    And yeah, seeing more topsiders is just the thing to sooth their nerves. Especially since Amesworth threatened to kill them more than once.

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    JimHorn  about 4 years ago

    Are you sure that they are backdated? If, working late, he submits a strip near midnight in Seattle, Washington, USA, most of the world will see that as being the next day. I doubt gocomics.com uses UCT date determination.

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    bedd022  about 4 years ago

    I know you’re not supposed to mess with Wally and his team at a time like this, but I’m quite liking the mirthful personality on this Topsider.

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    gary.eddings4157 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    “Mirthful” and “Delusional” may be hard to differentiate?

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    boydpercy Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Wally is the wrong guy to try to sell a false bill of goods to!

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  20. Idano
    Ida No  about 4 years ago

    I like this guy. Very droll. Or drool. I forget the difference. Maybe he can get them season passes to see Cats.

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  21. Rhadamanthus
    Craig Westlake  about 4 years ago

    I must have missed something. I thought they were trying to keep their reality research private from the bigwigs…

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    infranscia  about 4 years ago

    I love this. X3 I really wish we could see more varied depictions on topics like this. =( More sides of varying stories. There are so many more narratives to cover, but we tend to only get a handful, if that. =’(

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    yangeldf  about 4 years ago

    at the very least I hope THESE topsiders don’t put mutants’ brains in their machines

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    gary.eddings4157 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Old guy just doodling along here…I’ve been looking back at the "Edmund Fitzgerald arc ( and lead up to it)…..I wonder if the “Fox” who saves Doc & Holly (]06/24/2016) is an incarnation of Aaron Marx? OK…probably been discussed ages ago…but there are so, so many twists and turns…what a fantastic Story!

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    gary.eddings4157 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    And……..I think the strip from 12/26/2016 brings it all together…and on-going….going on & on….. Damn, I love Aaron’s Storyteller ability…just sayin’….

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